at last.

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My heart started racing. I couldn't believe my eyes as they rested onto him, I knew I would see him again someday but I didn't think I would now. I thought maybe, I'd just see him on the street or something years later but no. Here he is, standing in the same room as me once again.

Quickly looking away so he didn't suspect anything but of course it was too late. He already has seen my gaze that was connected to him and he was staring back, staring in disbelief. Our looks continued just a little longer as he started to walk over. I could feel my stomach tighten, tighter by each step he took. I'd hate to admit the ways he made me feel but he simply gave me butterflies. I hated the feelings he gave me, it felt like I was trapped and like I was basically dead for him. 

"well well well long time no see, gorgeous." hearing his voice again made me shiver, creating goosebumps all up and down my body.  I softly smiled at him as he pulled out a chair and sat next to me. 

"hey, how've you been?" The words escaped from my lips as I slipped away the notebook.

"I've been alright I guess." His lips smeared a soft smile across his cute little face causing me to smile back.

I've read about love. I basically used to study it, dying to feel it. Dying for the feeling of knowing I could simply love someone more than I love myself. I never got far with that crazy daydream. Maybe I thought I was feeling it now but I never could be sure. Hell, I wasn't even sure he felt the connection I was feeling. That's the thing about this all, you never know how the other person is TRULY feeling. Feelings suck.

"I've been okay." he nodded as I still sat there examining every feature of his face, hoping he wouldn't notice it. This was broken by my name being called for the coffee I had ordered which honestly I quite forgot I ordered. I groaned as I got myself out of the chair to go grab the drink I had ordered. After putting a packet of sugar to make sure the green tea lemonade was sweetened I returned to Adam

"Hey sorry about that. So uhm whatcha wanna talk about" I stirred the straw around the cup to make sure the sugar had been mixed in just before I took a sip

"That night. Look, I know this is stupid but I really do regret not getting your number and just hooking up with you the first night we met" He set his arms on the table as he put his hand up to his chin and rested his hand on it. I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing, I thought to myself that it was just a trick to get me back into his bed again and I knew if it was I'd be falling for it most definitely. It was pathetic I know but this time I had to make sure I saw him again.

"here, how about I give you my number and we hang out sometime or something. Would that work for you" I took another sip from my drink as I looked at him, smiling. His face lit up as the words came out of my mouth causing my smile to become bigger until I was smiling like an idiot. He nodded fastly just before we exchanged numbers.

"I should get going... I'll see you later darling." he chuckled and he got up and waved as he stepped out of the coffee shop. I sighed and smiled to myself as I gathered my stuff and also walked out of the shop and went back home.

the sun + the moon. //Adam Hann//Where stories live. Discover now