Stupid Feelings.

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This time was different. He had stayed the night. I woke up exactly next to him. I wasn't sure of how I felt at the moment but I knew for one thing, I didn't like what I was feeling. I didn't want to catch feelings for this guy, it just wasn't my thing to get attached. Something about him just made it hard to resist.

I continued to lay there under the warmth coming from the blanket and him, gazing out the window waiting for him to eventually wake up.

30 minutes passed and I decided to let him sleep as I went out on the balcony. Slowly creeping out of the bed I walked out to the door, grabbing the pack of cigarettes I left by the door. The air felt cold against the exposed skin my clothes didn't quite cover but I didn't mind. It felt quite nice if I'm honest. I took a quick glance back at the bed before grabbing a cigarette out of the pack and put it against my lips, eventually lighting it. Taking a deep breath in before letting smoke run free from my lips.

The city looked so calm this early in the morning and it was easily one of my favorite things of waking up early. It was before everyone rushed to get kids to school and rushing to some place they mostly likely don't even like and don't like continuously going to. This very spot I stood and the view of it all had been in many photos of mine. Some mornings I would just come out with my camera and stay out for hours maybe just taking shots of the view, it was truly beautiful.

Right after letting another puff of smoke out I felt two arms being wrapped around me and being pulled closer to them. Just his arms around my waist made me smile.

"looks like someone didn't listen to me like she should" Adam softly chuckled as he still sounded like he was just waking up. I rolled my eyes as a response to him, not noticing he was about to grab it out of my hands. Letting out a gasp and turned to him quickly as I noticed it had lelt my hand.

"Adam!" My yelling for his name was followed by a small laugh from him as he put the cigarette out.
"As I said before, it's not worth it."

I couldn't be pissed at him for it, in a way it was cute. He was showing he cared and I wasn't used to someone actually giving a shit about what I do. All I could do was roll my eyes and face my attention to the busy city once again. At the corner of my eye I could see a little smile appear across his lips as he stepped a little closer and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

There we stood. Both taking in the city. Like we were the rulers of it all.

It felt magical.

the sun + the moon. //Adam Hann//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt