simple text.

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I held onto the cigarette in between my lips as I sat on the little balcony connected to my room. It was about 3 in the morning and I needed a cigarette after the party before I decided to get some sleep. It's been almost a whole week since I ran into him at that stupid little coffee shop and I haven't heard a word from him, I've tried to make myself message him but nerves keep getting into my head. Taking a deep breath in I grabbed my phone to play some music to smoke to but as I get a grip onto it a buzz goes off. Lightly pressing down on the power button to see who the hell was texting me.

The biggest smile was slapped onto my face as I read the contact name, just the person I've been waiting to talk to. It was just a little simple 'hi' but it still made me smile. I had no fucking idea how I was gonna respond so I just went with whatever the hell was at the top of my head and just went with the flow.

Him: Hi

Just a little simple message took forever for me to respond to as I kept erasing what I wanted to say to type something new just to end up erasing it again.

Me: hello! Who's this again?:)
Him: how many guys do you know named Adam that you hooked up with???
Me: oh shush. I was trying to sound cool and popular but you've ruined the vibe dude
Him: right, right sorry continue with your cool and popular vibe
Me: nah. It's just ruined now.

I couldn't believe the words I was typing so fast. It felt like I had been just talking with one of my friends not this guy who it seemed like I had feelings for which I knew for a fact I didn't. It was a little fling that I would eventually get over and we'd go our separate ways but somehow he had made me feel like I was in some Disney rip off movie. I didn't mind it.

Him: Well how about this, you let me come over or you come to my place. I'll get us some pizza and I'll let you have your "cool and popular vibe"
Me: you must be insane but maybe I like insane. My place work? also get a pepperoni pizza. It's my favorite
Him: yeah one second just give me your address and I'll be right over darling.

After just texting him my address I got up from the chair I was sitting in and stepped inside to make myself look more presentable for him. Stepping over to the mirror hung up next to a desk that held people would call makeup but as a joke I would call it 'whore paint' I just thought it was a funny name to call it. I didn't really do much with it besides fix it up a little and re straightened my hair.

Stepping back onto the balcony I grabbed my black lighter and slid my finger against the top, igniting the flame. Bringing the flame closer to the cigarette that was put in between my lips. Finally lighting the cigarette I breathed in some smoke and let it out as I sat back down in the chair I had previously sat in.

the sun + the moon. //Adam Hann//Where stories live. Discover now