Days Later.

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A few days have past since whatever the hell happened and I happen to do some research on this "Adam" because why the hell not. What did I find? I found well he plays in a band called the 1975. Amazing music by the way. I found more and more about him and the more I seemed to find the more I became into him. I didn't want to be interested in him but god damn I sure was.

I hated this honestly.

I spent my own precious time I should be using on my photos trying to find out more about this boy who I'm probably never gonna ever fucking see again but my mind just thought it was okay to obsess over him. I have to admit something about his sparkling green emerald eyes mixed with his shy little smile made him extremely adorable.

Why do I spend my time obsessing over him? No one knows. He's a one night stand and that's all he ever was or will be. I wish I could just forget all about it and move the hell on with my life but I can't and it bothers me.

I finally shut my laptop screen shut and took a deep breath in. What was I doing? I shouldn't be spending my day like this. I simply got up softly from my bed, picking up my camera at the same time. I changed into a pair of the same old ripped skinny jeans and just put a normal charcoal colored shirt on then put my leather jacket on. I smiled as I looked in the mirror and brushed out my azure hair. As I finished with that I grabbed my earbuds with my wallet, putting the wallet in my jacket pocket and plugged in the ear buds to my phone. As I walked down the stairs I put the small earbuds into my ears and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

I just wanted to get my mind off this boy who I couldn't seem to just leave alone. He was the most exquisite person I've ever seen. Now notice I didn't say beautiful or whatever. He wasn't "beautiful" he was way more than that. His little smiles where he wouldn't show his teeth would just follow me into my thoughts causing me to smile. God I hated this. I hated it way too much. It just wasn't fair.

My finger quickly swiped as I was trying to get to the bottom of my Spotify playlist to play a song I had recently started listening. As I found the song I pressed down and pressed play. Into The Unknown by Starset started to blast into my ears as I softly smiled. Hey, music isn't good if it isn't loud. I had put my camera in this little black bag and put the strap against my shoulder. I played with the bag as I started to just walk down the street. I wasn't sure where I was going at all but I thought maybe I would just wander around and see whatever the hell was around. Which is exactly what I did. I took a few occasional photos on the way of basically anything I thought was beautiful like street art or just scenery.

I finally stopped walking as I found a Starbucks and shrugged. Hell I could go for some great Starbucks tea. I flashed a little soft smile to myself as I stepped into the mildly packed store and got in line right behind a short person who appeared to be a boy with just really curly hair. I got my phone out again as I continued to wait for this line to just move any faster. There was maybe 5 or 6 people in front of me and for some reason the line didn't move. I took a deep breath and tried to just remain calmed about it but of course there's always that one costumer who isn't calmed. At all. I pulled the left ear bud out as I heard the boy in front of me mumble under his breath. I couldn't quite hear what he said but I could make out the words 'hurry up'

I swear to god if this kid starts a scene I'm so out.

He spoke a little louder this time so I could actually understand what he was saying.

"Hurry the hell up, I've got a band practice to get back to." I rolled my eyes to the back of my head when he mentioned a band. Of course he'd be in a band, he looked just like your cliche lead singer of a hipster band.

But that's when it hit me.

I knew this kid from somewhere but I couldn't wrap my finger around it. I couldn't see his whole face which is possibly why I couldn't remember who he was. He slowly turned around to look and see if anyone else was behind him and it hit me who it was like a slap to the face.

It was Matty Healy, one of Adam's best friends.

the sun + the moon. //Adam Hann//Where stories live. Discover now