coffee shop brat.

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I took a deep breath in as I saw the curly boy and debated if I should say something. I couldn't act like I knew him cause well he probably doesn't even remember who the hell I am and I wouldn't blame him on this. I flashed a soft smile at him as he brightly smiled and waved as he started to speak
"Solaris, right?"
I softly nodded. How and why did he remember this? It's maybe been two weeks since mine and Adams hook up..I shrugged this off as I just faced my attention to Matty, secretly wishing I could see Adam's beautiful face again.
"ah. Nice seeing you again" he let out a small chuckle as he put a hand in his curls and let his fingers run through them.
"yeah definitely, how's Adam" the words escaped from my mouth as he seemed to lose his smile and shrugged

"he's been fine. He hasn't been to another party in days cause of you." I could feel the slight anger in his voice as he tried to hide his eye roll.

"...uh why?" I felt this sudden confusion as matty let those words slip from his mouth. Why the hell was I to blame if he didn't want to go to a party? It's his choice on what he did with this life. Not mine.

"I don't know why don't you figure that out yourself" He ran his fingers through his hair as he stuffed his hands into the side pockets of his jacket as he stepped out of line and walked out, grabbing a cigarette from his pockets.

I stood there in confusion on what had just happened...what the hell was Matty talking about? It took all my power to not run out there and empty out all the emotions I had bottled up from just a short conversation but I took a deep breath and just ordered a sweetened green tea halfed with lemonade and sat myself by a window.

I sighed as I noticed the rain outside that slowly started to become heavier. I loved the rain, something about it calmed me. Maybe the fact that it's the tears that fall that seemed okay. the tears that no one seems to mind.

The gaze between me and out the window stayed for a few minutes but it was broken as I decided to take my writing book that was painted black with silly little lyrics written on it out with a simple black pen. I placed my hand on the small black book just before I heard the door open. I usually would just lift my head up to see who walked in and just let it be but this time, I didn't let it be.

I recognized them..

My soft blue eyes widen as I got a full look of who it was. They didn't seem to notice me and just walked up to the counter and minded their own business but I sure noticed them. I waited to see them for weeks, and here they are now. Just seeing their face made me nervous.

It was Adam.

the sun + the moon. //Adam Hann//Where stories live. Discover now