The World Aflame : Chapter 3 Hide and Go Destroy

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The World Aflame : Chapter 3 Hide and Go Destroy

By: Stratford Ukena

   "Sir we are picking up an incoming Unidentified Bogey five miles out and closing fast."
"What!?" The Major exclaimed. "There shouldn't be any air traffic coming here today." It took a split second realize what was most likely coming to visit. "Seargent Lutor sound the alarm battle stations threat level red!" The Major barked jumping up himself to go get his CAU capture equipment on. The seargent hesitated,
     "Sir you don't think it's the CAU John Welch do you?" He asked with a tint of fear in his voice. The Seargent had heard about the base attacks recently just like all the soldiers had. John Welch had attacked four secret CAU bases in the Virginia Sector one right after the other in search of his sister who had been taken into custody by the government about two weeks before. Ever since then the energy using CAU (Child Ability User) had left very few survivors in his searches. The government just couldn't predict where he'd hit next.
"Seargent i'm willing to bet that's exactly who it is. Because no other CAU would be that bold."
"But Sir we don't have the resources to capture such a notorious CAU. We''re just a research and containment facility!" Exclaimed a young scientist who happen to be in the threat detection center at the time. The Major's eyes glinted.
" It doesn't matter," he said. "Just think of the price on the kid's head if we get him everyone at the base will have enough to live really well for a long time."
At this the other officers and agents as well as the scientists perked up. Thoughts of money and being rich steeled their resolve.
"Yes, let's do it; we can be rich," they said almost like they were in a trance The young scientist who had spoken before looked at them all in horror.
"You are all crazy if you think you can capture him. In case you haven't noticed we don't have the equipment! We need ack!" The young man stopped suddenly as he realized something wasn't right. He looked down and realized he could see red liquid spreading across his lab coat. All at once his legs buckled and he collapsed.
The Major stood behind him the barrel of his nine mil was smoking.
"Is there anybody else who would like to run?" When no one replied he returned it to it's holster on his left hip. "Good now get moving we have a Golden egg to capture."

As I approached the Top secret governmental base I felt the anger and rage rise up through me once more. Almost two weeks i'd been searching and I still couldn't find my sister Aria. I was beginning to really get worried. What if... I shook my head there was no time to think of that I had to have faith in my sister who at age eight could take care of herself just fine. I focused myself and got ready to fight.
I began drawing on the energy in world around me. I double checked my shield and unsheathed my katana. Energy flared up the blade as I imbued my sword with some of my energy.
I was coming up on the base so I put my game face on. I could easily pick out soldier and personnel scattering about as I got closer. The red and yellow flashing alarm lights meant that they hadn't been expecting company today.
"Well I do hope that their house isn't dirty. Because just detest trashy houses," I said in my best imitation of a privileged rich lady from the eighties. I could now see the soldiers setting up fifty caliber machine guns on the turret towers everywhere the agents were hunkering down for a fight.
I felt a wicked grin appear on his face. Good a fight, that's exactly what I wanted. The turrets although they couldn't cause serious injury to me due my shields could in fact weaken my shields and if I wasn't careful they could wear them down. And that would be bad. I made my first attack from the sky. There were four turret towers and three gun emplacements. I sent seven waves of energy to obliterate all several targets. The energy waves did exactly as I needed them to do and the four turret towers came crashing down.the gun emplacements caused me some more issues but not for long.I touched down and could immediately sense the presence that I had searched for for so long. 

         My sister Aria was near i was sure of it.


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