Chapter 18: Fire and Fury

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The Alarms sounded through out Castle Aria signalling the approach of enemies. I was in the mess hall when the alarms began blaring. I'd been absent mindedly munching on some toast in the very few free times I had.
But in a flash I was on my feet, a by product of spending several months on the run. As was everyone else in the vicinity.
All at once I sighed, " So they've come, I said to myself." Hurrying to the main hall I passed several CAUs that were in a rush. As I burst into the main hall. Most of the CAUs on the council were already there.
"Tyrone, I said as I entered. "What's going on," the red headed leader of defense turned to me.
"It looks like the normal fleeing CAUs with enemies pursuing them.
"Then why did the alarms sound," I asked only a little irritated. " This isn't anything that warrants a alarm like that."
Tyrone's narrowed his eyes at my annoyance. "Well if you would let me finish the group is pretty big with about 30 CAUs in total!"
"Whoa what's with those numbers!" Lux exclaimed.
There was a lot of conversation in the room until Karliah spoke up.
"Well we knew that the announcement John made would change things so we should've expected this."
"How many enemies?" I asked adrenaline already pushing it's way through my body.
"At least forty including armored vehicles. Oh! That's cool," Tyrone said a little giddy.
"What is it?!" Lux asked
" They have a tank."
As I flew through the air towards the battle ahead I could tell immediately that the situation was worse than we could tell from the monitor.
There were at least forty soldiers on the ground two gun mounted Humvees and one massive tank.
"A bit of overkill," I said to myself as I passed by overhead the sound of wind and gun fire tearing at my ears.
The soldiers had taken up positions right outside the tree line and a continued stream of bullets and explosive devastated the trees and foliage in front of them. The CAUs hidden from sight by the dense trees could hardly do anything
I reached out to the out to the power inside me as I dropped from the sky, I gathered it at the soles of my feet and pushed it outwards to cushion my fall as I slammed into the ground in the clearing. Dirt was sent flying into the air as I landed. The nearest soldiers also found themselves thrown into the air.
"Hostile in front!!" Screamed a soldier as he let loose a spray of bullets in my direction. Feeling the energy of the bullets as they flew towards me I managed to duck and dodge out of the path of the projectiles. In response I gathered energy into my fists and slammed them into the ground. A shockwave of energy exploded out from me in the direction of the soldiers a total of twelve were sent flying in the air along with the two Humvees. More bullets came flying in most if which I just deflected but the ones I couldn't weren't able to hit me because of my energy shield that I had put into place.
I unleashed a direct beam of energy toward the feet of another group of soldiers and it exploded cratering the ground and sending them flying.
That's when I heard the distinct sound of tracks as the tank turned it's barrel on me. Without waiting for my attack it fired. It was a wise move... But against me it couldn't do..." Oof. The air rushed out of my lungs as my shield drew heavily on my reserve of energy. It had to do this because instead of detonating mid air like it was supposed to the tank round dug deep inside my shield immediately knocking the wind out of me.
"Really armor piercing rounds now eh!?" I said to myself. I turned and launched a beam of energy straight down the barrel of the tank. A muffled explosion from the inside followed and the tank was dead in the water.
   "Switch to hand to hand, yelled a man who must've been the officer in charge. "Ranged weapons are useless against him. I repeat switch to nonlethal hand to hand combat. Our orders are to capture not kill any energy users we find."
   So that's their plan, I thought to myself. I readied myself as I was surrounded by soldiers. Some with stun stick and tasers. I smiled to myself. " Bring it on!" I yelled at them as they rushed me. I dodged the first attack swinging around with my left fist to catch the soldier just under the chin strap. I discharged energy from my fist directly into his jaw. The result a soldier was propelled through the air with such force that he managed to knock down some rather large sized oak trees. I sharp pain coursed through his body as a soldiers slammed home a stun stick to my ribs.   
  Blinking back tears I turned and planted my foot directly in his chest which sent him flying in the opposite direction of the other guy. But the victory with the other two was short lived as one taser after the other struck me. The electricity overwhelmed my senses as I fell to one knee. I would've been done for had I been alone. But I wasnt. And it just so happened that that was the moment that Karliah dropped onto the battlefield.

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