The World Aflame Chapter 4: I Battle Captive CAUs

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The World Aflame Chapter 4: I Battle Captive CAUs

    This is a extra long chapter but I felt like I shouldn't split it up given my last part was short sorry it's taken forever to get it to you but let me know what you, the reader thinks of my book so far. Thanks for the reading of my story and I hope you enjoy John Weltchs' crazy adventures. (I know John seems op now but I will balance the scales soon. Ooh foreshadowing. See yah
    -Stratford Ukena

    Aria Sat in her zero energy cell crying.
It had been two weeks and the experiments had been getting more cruel. Since Aria had refused to use her power the scientists had forced her to stay awake until she had to draw upon the energy to keep her body from collapsing. When she finally did draw upon energy she had the pleasure of seeing the scientist's awed expressions. 

      "So they are real," She heard one of them say his voice full of amazement. She let loose a small tendril of blue energy in his direction. Trying to bait the young guy to touch it out of curiosity. Of course if he did it would drain him to near death and she may have been able to escape. But apparently he didn't fall for it. 

    Now she sat in her cell knees pulled up to her chest, groaning and sobbing with pain. Aria wished her brother was here to comfort her when she needed it but she knew it was unlikely that he would ever find this place. Aria looked around to see the other prisoners who had been taken just like her. There were maybe fifteen or sixteen of them all in their own cells. Would this be where she spent the rest of her life? Here in this cell with nothing to do but look at the desolate faces surrounding her. 

    "Hey little energy user," a soft voice from the cell next to hers said. A girl about her brother's age crawled forward. She looked pretty with short brow hair and delicate features. But she was clearly malnourished. She had sunken ribs. She was covered in bruises from the beatings and she had dark circles under her eyes.. despite this she smiled. "What's your name little one?" she asked in a friendly voice.

   "I-I'm Aria" Aria managed weakly. 

    "Oh Aria that's a pretty name so do you have an

y family, like any one with your energy ability?"

    "I... I have a brother but why?" She asked.

    "I know you can't sense anything in there but someone with the same ability as you has just arrived at the base and he doesn't seem happy, in fact he just got done wiping out all the defenses now he is engaging the soldiers themselves." Aria felt her breath catch and her hope began to rise. But she didn't dare to hope, not yet. Just then the ceiling rumbled and the room shook. "Scratch that he's really angry."

    "W-what's your name," Aria asked nervously. 

   "My names Karliah Varsunt and my ability is Fire."

                                      John's POV

     Now that I knew my sister was here there was no way I was going to  let these people stand in between me and my sister. As more men with batons, axes and other hand to hand combat weapons charged me I drew my katana and got into a ready stance. I blocked one blade then dodged and electrified spear. I rolled to the right and came up outside of the man's guard . I thrusted at the man, slipped past the man's guard, and into his side. He grunted as I withdrew the weapon. I didn't have enough time to see if that fell him. I had more enemies to take out. drawing upon the energy of the man I had just slain, I began to move faster. Cutting down enemies that set upon me as I made my way to the building in which Aria was being held in. The fighting was brutal. I slashed out with energy taking down at least five guards then I threw myself into a backwards summersault. The blade that was coming for my throat missed by mere inches,

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