Chapter 20: Accusations

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As we touched down back inside the barrier i was rushed by Aria who had a panicked look on her face. Immediately i felt my whole demeanor change.
   "What's wrong Aria?" I asked as she ran for me.
   " Its the newcomers bubba! They are demanding to see you and they started going crazy when we told them you weren't here!" Aria looked up at me with worried eyes. I reached down and ruffled her hair.
   " Hey stop that!" She exclaimed a look of irratation crossing over her face. " Race you there." I said. I took off flying toward the castle at sound breaking speed arriving so fast i actually over shot the front entrance. I reached for the stationary energy within the stone that made up the roof to the council building. I swiped to the side and the roof broke apart revealing the interior. I dropped inside and landed in the middle of council table with a resounding bang. I waved my hand and the hole in the roof closed. The stone remerging together as if it were playdough. Once the hole was closed i became aware of the loud incessant argueing that was going on at the far corner of the room. Though they seemed to pause as they noticed my entrance.
   I stood from where i had landed and as i did i saw Lux running toward me. Four angry looking CAUs on his tail. But these guys were walking now with a tone of caution in their steps. They knew the consequences of fighting an energy user.
   "So its true there is an energy user in charge here." Said one of the older CAUs in the room. He shouldered his way in front of me. In an instant i could tell he hated me. There were fresh tears in his eyes. He took a deep breath as if to calm his breathing and i prepared for the string of accusations that he would throw at me.
   "Are you guys happy huh!? You must real proud of this place you got here. SO proud in fact that you felt it necessary to make it the only place CAUs like us can be safe. Fight or die right?" I stayed quiet without answering because honestly i understood his anger. I didnt really think about the consequences of my announcement. But contrary to popular belief we didnt force anyone to fight. It was purely voluntary. Still, if it had been three months ago when Aria was taken from me i would been recklace in my judgement as well.
   "I need you to first drop the hostility and stop to think about what you just said. Do you really think all these CAUs that ran from the government, who wanted to make them fight would willingly come here to be forced to fight. Even then it was not our intention to make it harder for you guys out there. We hoped to have them back off their operations. Especially after we destroyed their base." The guys scoffed
   "Yeah well that didn't work as planned did it?" I mean you make this place almost impossible to find, and then just sit here and hope we'll find you. But the closer we get the more hunted we are. They don't want anyone getting here." I didn't reply at first trying to make sure I keep my emotions in check.
   "What's your name if you don't mind telling me?" I asked. The guy paused seemingly confused by how calm I was being.
   "Markus," he replied. "My brother died on the way here, and so did many others of our group. You'll be lucky if that group doesn't find this place they were right on our tail they have to be looking for us"
   "Oh they won't be following us here or anywhere really." I said giving him a small smile. There was skepticism in his eyes as he said his next words.
   "Oh and why is that?" He asked.
   " Oh because I drove them away." I said nonchalantly

The World Aflame Book 1: Rise Of A NationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz