The World Aflame Chapter 10: A Brand New World

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     The man's eyes widened a fraction because he could tell I was serious. Then he laughed, and laughed. He howled with laughter so loud birds fled from the treetops miles away.

    "You..!?" the man exclaimed pointing "Are going to make your own society Ha! I've heard a lot of stupid things in my life but this takes the cake!" I didn't move or speak no one did. I just calmly looked at him and summoned my power. A tendril of energy rose out of the ground and sharpened into a spear of pure energy. I touched the man's throat with it and his laughing abruptly halted. 

    "You are going to go back to whoever sent you and report everything you saw here and tell them one thing. This area now belongs to us," I said flicking my eyes around at all the other CAUs present. "If we can't rely on our own government to do what's right we will create our own society our own brand new world. and right now before all of those here I name this new world The United CAU Republic." "All we've ever wanted was someplace where we could be safe. and now you've forced us to make our own safe world. Tell whoever sent you that any intrusions upon our land will end up as your convoy did today... wiped out." At this the man's eyes widened in terror gulped. "Do you understand?" I asked cold fury seeping into my voice. Truth be told I had no idea what I was doing blame it on my impulsiveness. But what I did know was it was the right thing to do. whether or not we could actually do it was another thing. I had basically just declared that us CAUs were forming our own country which would undoubtedly spark a war. But if this is what I had to do to protect Aria and the rest of the CAUs, I would do what ever it took.

    I released the man from my tendril and he tumbled to the ground but I raise the other energy spear and leveled it at him. his eyes narrowed as he looked down at the spear.

   "Now go before I make you into a shish kebab." The man needed no encouragement he turned and sprinted as fast as he could the way he had come. Once he was gone i looked at the other CAUs most seemed to not know what to think.

   "I'm sorry that I acted on the behalf of all CAUs without consulting you first," I said bowing slightly. "But I meant every word out what I just said. If the world won't except us then we'll make our own world where we'll all be safe and treated like equals. The assembled CAUs said nothing at first and became worried they'd turn on me. Just then smiles began to break out one by one until all of them were smiling widely.

    "Well don't stop now," said a CAU whose name I had forgotten.

     "You keep surprising us first with the whole castle safe haven and now the forming of a new country. A new world I can't believe it," Karliah said a smile clear on her face as she tossed her hair out of her face. Emily came forward and laid her hand my shoulder. 

     "We are with you so long as you do right by us," she stated. I heard a lot of agreement with her. I was confused, they owed me no such loyalty. I had pretty much forced them into everything so far, not to mention we had literally just met. I didn't even know most of their names.

    "but why?" I asked. "Why are you being so loyal I've done nothing to deserve this it's not like i'm friends with most of you." Emily nodded, "You're right you don't even know most of us but..." Another CAU spoke up she had he had long brown hair and evenly calm and eccentric blue eyes.

    "You've given us hope Johnathon," He said in a voice befitting the eighteen years of age that he was. "And hope is something many of us have not had in a long long time." He said. At this a chorus of agreement sounded like a battle cry off the forest around us. I couldn't speak I was too overwhelmed to say anything. I felt a tear roll down my cheek at their sincerity. 

   "Although we're are going to have to vote on that name, I am pretty sure the UCR sounds like some kind of medical condition," another CAU piped up. At that moment, there was a spontaneous chain reaction as fits of laughter engulfed them all.

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