Chapter 17: Consequences of the Declaration

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An explosion rippled across an open field. Screams of the injured echoed in the clearing outside the forest. Explosions sent giant clods of dirt soaring into the air. It was in the middle of this hellish field that a group of more than thirty CAUs ran for the safety of what they hoped was the CAU Nation.
   The hunter had cracked down even more now that the CAU Nation had made its declaration. It effectively made the CAU fortress the only safe place in the world. The only problem was that nobody could find it.
   "Come on we're almost there," yelled a CAU as he lifted a massive shield made out of his own perspiration. He deflected an explosive round away from the group and the shockwave of the explosion flattened all the grass nearby
   A scream from a young CAU girl sent shivers through the whole group. Looking back they discovered that two of their group a boy and a girl lay face down in the dirt lifeless.
   "Cal!!!" Screamed the boy holding the shield. Another guy put his arm across the young man's chest.
   "We can't go back! Man I'm sorry but we have to go!" Gritting his teeth the young man took a final look at his brothers body before turning away tears streaming down his face.
   "What if this isn't the right place?" Another CAU yelled as they reentered the forest. The sound of dogs frantic barking and the crack of bullets in the trees around them were enough to discourage further conversation as they continued running only pausing to help a member of their party who had tripped.
   Ahead a singular mountain stood tall. If the CAU base wasn't here they were effectively done for.
   "It's got to be here," Markus said
   "And they are going to answer for my brothers death."

The World Aflame Book 1: Rise Of A NationWhere stories live. Discover now