The World Aflame Chapter 11: The Plight of the Elementals

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The looks on the faces of the family we saved when we entered the boundary made my day. We were standing just inside the barrier, before the field that led up to the castle walls. The look of pure awe and wonder on their was very evident. The girl Rimil didn't seem as impressed as her little siblings were who were nearly jumping up and down with excitement, but she did seem to relax a little. The two parents looked around with open expressions of disbelief.

"How can this be here?" the mother asked her voice squeaking. "There are no castles in the United States Eastern seaboard! and even if there are there are none that big and usable." I just calmly gazed at her with a knowing smirk.

"This is here because me and my sister put it here," I stated simply. Her eyes widened at this new piece of information.

"You... but that's impossible! I'm pretty sure it would be a pretty big deal if a fort construction of this scale had been commenced. Suddenly her husband who was being supported by one of the CAUs tapped her on the shoulder.

"Honey are you forgetting who it is that you are speaking, he is an energy user, that means he could build this, after all everything is made of matter and matter has energy running through it. It probably wouldn't take him long at all to create something like this." I laid my hand on the man's arm.
   " My name is Johnathon Weltch and I am currently the leader of the newly formed UCR. May I have the pleasure of knowing your names?"
     The man winced as he tried to stand up straighter.
    "My name is Hank Gruntnam I was a scientist for the government." Immediately my heart beat quickened and I felt my eyes narrow which was probably unfair but if you live like I've lived for very long it becomes a habit when protecting yourself.
    "What do you mean was?" I asked cautiously. "I... I couldn't take what the government was doing to the CAUs so I ran away." I gathered my family and left in order to protect my children and wife. You see my kids are... they are elementals," he finished. I froze and took a minute to make sure i'd just heard him right.

"Did you you just say Elementals!?," I exclaimed. Elementals were a very rare find. Each could command one element completely. For example a water element could breath under water, manipulate control and even change the state of the water. They could also take on the characteristics of their element and become elemental beings. A water Elemental could make anything from a summer downpour to a Hurricane or ice blizzard. They were literally forces of nature, and that made them very powerful, also very dangerous. The Government captured and elemental on sight and if they couldn't capture they would kill them. being an Elemental was just as bad as being an Energy user. The government hunted us relentlessly because of our destructive capabilities and the fact that we require very little time to recover our energy.

So my heart went out to the family. Most of the Elementals had been either captured or killed so this was some good fortune. "I see," I said. "It must've been hard on you guys. Well you don't have to worry anymore I'll take care of getting your family some accommodations and some food. You need to be taken to the new infirmary so that the healers can take a look at you so rest assured."

"Thank you," he said weekly then he slumped against the CAUs that had been helping him up.
    "Take him to the infirmary then come join us in the conference hall for a meeting. There is something obviously going on if the Government is trying so earnestly to capture Elemental power users."

  "Yes Sir!" the two CAUs said in unison.

  "No, no, no you will not start using honorifics. I have done nothing to deserve that and I won't except it," I said sternly.
   "Sorry sir i'm afraid I can't do that sir!" one of them said grinning.

   "Just go!" I said exasperated. Both of them had the audacity to salute before picking up Hank between them and walking briskly in the direction of the Castle.

As we entered the castle Aria ran to me and gave me a big hug.

   "Bubba!" She exclaimed. "Meredith told me what you did out there. Is it true that we are going to have our very own country!" I looked around the courtyard several of the CAUs were standing around inspecting the newcomers with interest.

   "Yeah," I said still unsure about all this. "But it won't be easy. It was the only thing I could think of to protect those like us. But it probably won't be  permanent. It will only be until we can find a way to change us back to being normal." I let the way into the into the citadel only to find that the rest of the council was already gathered. Both Emily and Meredith had already gathered at the head of the table, both had stern looks on their faces. I took a deep breath and readied to face the groups' disapproval. But when I had taken my place at the head of the table applause is what greeted me. I waited until they were done, confused and silent.

    "What are you applauding for I had promised you something like a democracy not a monarchy," I said feeling like I was missing something.

    "Yeah but truth be told as long as you heed the counsel we don't really care. Besides no one wants to do that job any way. Too much work," Emily stated and I saw several heads bob in agreement. 

    "As long as you are a good leader there should be no problem," Karliah added. I looked around at the assembled faces and I couldn't help but marvel at how far we'd come in just two short days. One moment we had all been kids running scared and in pain, now we were running a new found country. 

    "Well now on to business," one of the counselors said. The Counselors' name was Larry, a short but also very stout boy with black hair and dark brown eyes, his ability was speed. He was about twelve but he also very mature for his age. "This business about the Elementals, it is very worrying. What in the world could they be doing if they are collecting all the Elemental users."

   "I have no idea but whatever it is it is not going to be good," Emily stated. 

  "We're going to have to interfere with whatever it is that they are doing, and free those CAUs."

   "Well first we're going to have to find them," Aria stated. "So we'll have to come up with a plan for that."

    "Yes and I Just got a cool Idea on how to do that," Larry stated with a sly smile staring at me with eyes that made me want to hide under a rock.

The World Aflame Book 1: Rise Of A NationWhere stories live. Discover now