Chapter 15: The Birth of a New Nation

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After breakfast I was immediately met with dozens of people who were bombarding me with reports and info. They were really getting into this whole Nation thing. For what reason I didn't know but the original plan had to been to just create a safe haven. I had made no plans to make a country out of it. It was something that I needed to make clear.
I was in no position to lead a country. But I could protect a safe haven. It was right before we began setting up the announcement that I received the report of the containment base attack beginning.
The goal for such an attack was to show the strength that we possess while at the same time demonstrating to the world that we don't commit unnecessary violence. The attack on the base is to free even more of our fellow CAUs. But we hadn't even finished setting up the announcement preparations.
"Let's hurry to the council room John," Karliah said as she hustled into the room like whirlwind of movement. "We need to get you set up and looking official."
"Wait up, what am I going to wear?" I can't wear this so make an announcement to the world," I paused my thought half way finished as I looked down to see my clothes changing from my everyday comfort to a suit jacket and and and white dress shirt.
Before I could even protest my jogging pants turned into dress blacks that had the hems and seams traced in gold. Over my shoulder went a thigh length shoulder cloak golden ropes lashing themselves together to fit me perfectly. A leather shoulder pad rested lightly on my shoulder.
"Hey!?" I complained. "Aria why did you do that? Maybe I wanted to pick out my own clothes." Aria stepped out of the hallway behind Karliah.
"Because we don't have time bubba," she replied simply."
"But why the cloak!?" Although the cloak didn't look bad at all, one side was deep royal blue and the inside was a brilliant golden color. It was the mixture of attire from modern days and attire from the 1700s at least. It was just weird. In the back of my head I noted that in the future to not complain about what I was going to wear without first making sure Aria was nowhere to be found.
"It's the mark of a position of power," Karliah reasoned. "Now we need to be going, Hannah is about done breaking into the airwaves and when she is we need to be there ready to start, because we might not have it for long."
With that they rushed me out of the room, on my way to making history.

Vice General McNad was sitting in his office at the Pentagon flipping through the channels on his offices' 40 inch flat screen TV. The whole week he'd been run ragged trying to figure out where the CAUs had gone. His unit has pursued those accursed elementals into the forest only to be ambushed by what his men had claimed to be an entire army of CAUs.
However he didn't by it at all. His men had simply failed and were trying to make excuses. The problem was that an entire convoy of his men's corpses had been recovered where his men had claimed the fight had happened. There were definite signs of a fight. But it was very short and brief.
There were only two explanations for such a fight: they CAUs had tried to fight and were pushed back or... The second option made his throat dry up. Or his men had been crushed by overwhelming force... The corpses of his men indicated that the first option wasn't very likely but he was still willing to believe that over something like an army of children attacking them.
Seeing nothing on McNad got up to turn it off and return to work. When the screen fuzzed out. At first he assumed something had happened with his TVs provider. But then the screen picture came back into focus, but there was something definitely wrong. On the screen in front of him was something that defied belief. Sitting in a very lavish room on a high backed seat of red velvet was the one person everyone in the CAU capture force could recognize. Everyone from the lowest soldier in rank to the high ranking officers knew the face of the one CAU that had had them on edge ever since the first discovery of him.
Johnathan Joseph Welch. Where a classic black suit jacket and and pants but with an odd blue and gold shoulder cloak on his right shoulder.
Immediately McNad pulled out his phone and dialed the number for his superior. The second he connected, his boss the Vice General of Military Affairs spoke before he had a chance.
"I already am seeing it, I think it's being broadcasted all over the nation.
We can't seem to get control over the air waves either." McNad was at a loss for words.
Then the CAU spoke.
"Hello America and any other nations tuning in. My name is
Johnathan Welch. Leader and now ruler of the CAU Nation. I'm sending this message out briefly to two groups. One is the American people and government. We have suffered u see the government thugs who hunt us down like trophy's for too long. And as of now we are creating our own nation. Johnathan paused as if waiting for them to get the idea that he was serious. He sighed before continuing. And just in case you were wondering attacking CAUs is now forbidden within our boundaries. Do not take us lightly this is our home now. And we will protect our fellow CAUs. Johnathon gestured to the bottom right of the screen which another screen popped up. It didn't take long to recognize the scene as a former CAU containment base. Former because now it was in flames. And from the video feed it didn't take a genius to figure out who had done it. "Violence against us or our fellow CAUs will be responded to accordingly. The second message is to the CAUs living in hiding out there. and the message is this, we are here and you are free to come. Johnathan looked off screen for a moment as if he was being told something. He nodded and then looked back at the screen his face a mask of grim determination. Telling McNad that he was serious.
"That's all." With that the TV's and radios returned to their normal programs. Vice General McNad sat in his seat dumbfounded. Had he just witnessed a declaration of war. By kids. He shook himself. He didn't have time to ponder. There was work to do.

The World Aflame Book 1: Rise Of A Nationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें