Chapter 14: The Beginnings of The Cau Nation

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"I told you I wanted answers," A middle aged man in a formal decorated military jacket yelled at the young Lieutenant standing before him. The man was approximately forty years of age. With deathly pale skin and cold steel gray eyes he was the embodiment of terror, who had seen nearly twenty years of service, been in many battles, and climbed the ranks till he stood at the rank of Chief of Military Affairs. Elected of course by popular vote.
"Well sir the problem isn't that we haven't been searching. It defies logic! No matter how much we search the area there is just no signs of them at all! It's like they just vanished. Maybe teleportation." The lieutenant replied calm even in front of his extremely intimidating senior officer.
The general glared at the officer with a look that would have made regular troops quail in fear, but the lieutenant remained unaffected. That was the problem with CAUS especially the powerful ones. Because they had such power, some began to believe they were superior those you didn't possess their... Abilities.
"I didn't ask for your excuses Lieutenant Cowl," The older general hissed at him.
"I asked for results. So get back out there before I send you to containment for a evaluation."
This got the Young man's attention. Every CAU in the military if they were accused of being disobedient or insubordinate could be sent to containment where they kept the CAUS who were captured. Where they would let their scientists effectively pull them apart. To study them. It was the most gruesome way a CAU could die.
lieutenant Cowl hid his emotions quickly behind his normal mask of calm, before the general tried to use it against him.
"Yes sir," he replied simply. Finished he spun on his heel and March out of the office. If there was one place he would absolutely not go it was to containment... Not again. He had to find the CAUs now no matter what the cost.

As the sun rose over Castle Aria, the wind began to blow from the West bringing a brisk breeze with it. The smell of morning dew and the glistening of the grass that laid in front of the gleaming stronghold encouraged me to join the sun and and look down upon the wakening world from his room balcony despite the cold. I took a deep breath welcoming the new day.
How long had it been since I'd felt safe enough to relax like this." "Way too long."
It did not last however as the knock on his bedrooms heavy oak door brought me out of his reverie.
I sighed softly to myself and quickly got dressed simply throwing on a pair of pants and decent looking red t-shirt. It was still hard to believe that just two days ago i'd became a monarch. Now granted i wasn't officially a king recognized by the world but those who lived with me had decided that he should lead them in that style.
So instead of making a safe haven as he had intended he had essentially given birth to a nation. A voice from the other side of his door called to him.
" Dude, you should be getting up, there is alot we have to do today. Chief among them is the announcement and the approving of the declaration of Intentions to the feds."
Oh yeah that was another thing, the council had decided that they wanted to announce to the entire world over broadcast about their declaration and about their intentions.
The reason for this was to both send out a message to the CAUs and to make it very clear to the government that they meant business. Honestly, it was more than I want to do, but it was necessary to get the word out about the fortress so CAUs would know that their not alone. The more of them that gathered the better. Not to mention if the plan they had worked it would be the government who would back off and hopefully give them a respite from being hunted. To do this I sent out a group to strike at a containment base not far from Castle Aria. We had to prove that we had made such a strike so I also sent along someone with a camera to video the whole thing.
That left our last issue how to hijack the radio and TV waves around the world. The answer to this question was quite simple actually. One of our more skilled CAUs possessed the ability to access, download, short circuit, or scramble electric signals, electric currents, or any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. So accessing the internet would be easy.
I answered the door, to find Tabitha one of our younger CAUs standing there in her usual out fit. She always wore a simple pink t-shirt and jogging pants.
Tabitha was about 13 years old but was already about five feet tall with a impressive amount of energy. Not to mention she could outrun most sports cars. Her blond hair, which usually fell down to her mid back, was tied up into a pony tail. And she wore tattered but usable tennis shoes.
She looked more like his personal trainer instead of my assistant.
"John we have alot to do today so hurry downstairs to the kitchen so you can eat and then we can get busy," she started talking almost too fast for me to follow.
"Do I at least get to have some coffee?" I complained with a yawn. She studied me like a scientist would a math equation before she said.
"One cup no more. Aria told me that if I allowed you to have more you'd stay in there all day and drink it." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
" I like coffee but not that much, I'm not looking to drown myself in it!" Tabitha's green blue eyes revealed nothing of what she was thinking. But a slight smile seemed to ghost her face for a second before she continued.
"Lady Aria's words Sir not mine."
"And would everyone please stop with the sir this is the twenty second century not the medieval ages!" I exclaimed in exasperation.
"Not a chance Sir," she threw over her shoulder as she ran off in a hurry to her next task. And then she was gone, leaving me standing in the hallway awkwardly.
" Oh I can already see how this day is going to go," I commented to myself as I started down the corridor in the direction of the lounge.

The World Aflame Book 1: Rise Of A NationWhere stories live. Discover now