Part 1

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I could still feel his body on mine, his warm, strong and extremely attractive body lingering on my skin like I have just been for a really hot shower and that's the only thing in the world that's keeping me warm inside. In that moment nothing else mattered except for the fact that he's gone now and he's never coming back. I am lying in bed, just looking at the ceiling remembering how good it felt to be right next to Klaus's body. I couldn't feel my body anymore, I couldn't feel anything, I needed him back... I needed him now!

It was finally morning after a dreadfully slow night of torturous thoughts about the one person I can't have, not only because he's a million miles away but because i knew it was wrong but my body was craving him smell, his body, his accent, oh, how I missed that gorgeous accent. Just as I had that delightful thought, there was a know on my door. Who could it be, deep inside I wanted it to be Klaus, I turned the door handle and pulled the door back and sighed. It wasn't Klaus but still a shocking surprise with a accent of her own... Rebekah!

"What are you doing here, Rebekah?" I asked kind of snarkily, "well, and if you ever tell anyone that i told you this i'll burn you alive... I'm worried about Nik, he's not the same, he's turned off his humanity and I need you to help me convince him to turn it back on... you're the only one he cares about besides his family, and we haven't been able to do much damage so please Caroline for the sake of my brother and don't deny that you care about him because I know and I really don't want to compel it out of you so please, just do this one thing for our family and then you'll never have to see us again." " that's what Klaus said" I mumbled " what was that" Rebekah said irritated "nothing, fine i'll do it, not because I care about Klaus because I don't but for the survival of the human race... klaus without his humanity will be like the plague" I said kinda worried now! " I'm so glad you said that Caroline because he's in the back of my car... but don't worried my witch put him to sleep but he won't be out much longer" I instantly started to regret my decision but there was no turning back now "I can't believe i'm doing this, Put him in the cellar downstairs, it was used to hold werewolves so it probably won't hold a hybrid but it's the best we got", we went down the stairs and chained him up so he wouldn't immediately rip our heads off without seeing who he was killing... I saw his hand move, "he's starting to wake up Rebekah" I said slightly nervous but kind of exhilarated now! 

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