Part 9

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Just to be clear they have gone back to New Orleans, I just thought i'd point that out!

Caroline's voice was cold, I didn't expect this. She was suppose to be happy, my brothers and sister were suppose to keep her out and happy I wonder whats going on? I came out and she was looking around at the rose petals and my extravagant display of affection. Was it too much, did she not like it, why was she mad? I decided to face her as she walked into our bedroom where I had just finished putting on my suit. she looked into my eyes and she had been crying, why had she been crying. "What's wrong love, what's going on, why have you been crying?" I ask her as I move to comfort her. Caroline moves away from my arms " Elena killed Katherine" she said sobbing, I was taken by surprise and said "WHAT!" "we were just having lunch, me and the family and then Elena comes up to us and starts saying that I'm not suppose to be apart of this family and that I was a monster and I don't deserve to be happy and then she killed Katherine because she said that it was suppose to be her sitting there, I threw myself at Elena, she had killed my sister so I killed her, I took the stake used to kill kat and I stabbed her with it. Kat's gone!" with that said she fell apart along with me, i had come to care for Katerina, she was like a sister to me, I had to find a way to get her back!

"It's alright my love I know how to get her back, We need the whole family, Kat's body and Elena's" I was gonna get Bonnie to channel the power of all the originals plus Stefan and Caroline. Stefan and Caroline too because their love for our family makes them just as powerful as us they just don't know it. Caroline quickly jumped up and called the family we met them at the cemetery, Bonnie felt most connected to her magic there so we decided it was best to do whatever it took to make this work! "Okay this is how it's gonna work, Since they've only been dead for a couple of hours they're still connected to their bodies so with the power of all of us we can transfer Elena's energy into Katerina and she be resurrected". With that said Bonnie started chanting, we were in a circle holding hands around Elena's and Kat's bodies. There was a big shed of light and everyone fell unconscious. "Katerina" said Elijah "yes Elijah i'm here" said kat, everyone else started to wake up except for Caroline and Stefan. Elijah went and picked up Caroline and bought her to the house, Klaus was carrying Stefan, he wasn't happy about it but he just wanted Caroline to be safe!

Everyone went back to the mansion including kat but Caroline and Stefan still hadn't woken up. It had been 26 hours and they still hadn't opened there eyes. Klaus was sitting next to Caroline every hour, he was still in his tux and he looked like crap. Elijah was in and out of Caroline's room, he'd just sit there and try to comfort her and his brother. Bonnie was going in and out of both Stefan's and Caroline's rooms, working on spells, she hasn't gotten any sleep either. Rebekah was sitting by Stefan's bed and Katherine was comforting Rebekah as she lay tirelessly. Klaus had been sitting their and suddenly he started speaking "please Caroline, wake up, come back to me! Don't leave me, you are the love of my life and I love you so much so please don't leave me, I want to spend the rest of my immortal life with you, I want to marry you, to go through everything with you good or bad and I could go through the bad stuff because I would have you by my side! I wouldn't be able to live without you Caroline. After our first encounter in Mystic Falls I knew you were the one who would bring out the light in me and I was terrified of that but i'm not anymore, you showed me that I could be someone who was worthy of your love and I can't lose that! I'm sorry for every bad thing I've done and I have tried to change for you because I know you deserve better!" With that Caroline woke up and said "I don't want you to change, I love you for all of you, not just the good parts because you wouldn't be you without the bad, you are everything I want and I should be the one trying to earn your forgiveness because I ruined a perfectly good date!" She said with a chuckle and he laughed with her, "well my love you have plenty of time to make up for that because I'm not ever gonna let you go...Ever" Klaus said with a cheeky grin. "I love you so much Niklaus Mikaelson and don't you ever think you need to change for anyone... you are the king, My King!" "and your my queen" And with that said they turned around to see an audience facing them, everyone as well as Stefan had been watching them, Kat, Rebekah and Bonnie with tears in their eyes and Elijah, Kol and Stefan all smiling. "why were we out for so long" asked Stefan "We are Originals now" Caroline said "what" everyone said together "I can feel it" Caroline cut herself and held her hand out to Bonnie she took Caroline's blood in her hand and shivered "yes you are, the spell must have needed more power so they made you both into Originals to make the connection stronger. I am also an Original, an Original witch, Immortal" Bonnie said, everyone's mouths hung open and Kol looked at his powerful fiance "well then, now I don't have to worry about losing you to old age or anything else. "Well then I believe it's time for family night. how about tomorrow night we all play games and drink lots of alcohol, but until then Kat, Caroline and Bonnie we are going shopping tomorrow for new clothes for tomorrow night and to get some drinks and snacks cause I think we're gonna need it, We are after all the most powerful family in the world all of us... one big immortal original family" Rebekah said "Yes, I think we might have a chat too my brothers Niklaus, Kol and Stefan about an urgent matter regarding you Niklaus" Elijah said, everyone seemed to know what he was talking about except Caroline and it drove her crazy!


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