Part 5

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Tonight was the ball, four hours to go and then i'll be attending the ball with my favorite man by my side and my family to enjoy it with me. It was time to get ready so I took a shower,  blow dried my hair and put on some makeup. Double the amount of makeup I usually put on. mascara, eyeliner, foundation and the Kylie Jenner lipstick. I styled my hair, curled of course with one side pinned back. I put on the dress I brought, It was black strapless dress with a tight top that drifts out, I put on matching shoes and then my doorbell rang. I quickly went and opened it only to reveal the most stunning thing on this earth. "oh my god" I almost whispered. "oh my god indeed" Klaus said just as I noticed that he is staring at me like i'm a goddess. He bowed and I played along with a curtsey. He held out his hand which I gladly accepted, as we walked out of the room and out of the house I saw a horse and carriage. I actually couldn't breathe, i'm going to a ball with my prince who bought me a horse and carriage "What" was the only thing I could say "do you like it?" he asked nervously "you are the best man on this entire earth and I Love You and this so much" I said with tears in my eyes. "well, i'm glad you like it" he said while hugging me.

 "well, i'm glad you like it" he said while hugging me

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It was just as grand as I expected it to be. This was Rebekah and I's work after all. Me and Klaus entered as Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson. I didn't mind at all which was weird maybe I've just gotten used to being in their family.  Me and Klaus danced all night along side everyone else who looked spectacular. It was time for speeches and all the Mikaelson's did one (including me). Elijah's was as expected its good to savor the good moments blah blah blah, Rebekah, Bonnie's and Stefan's were about family and always and forever, Kol had to come in with his talk which he concluded with hilarity. Then there was Katherine heartfelt I think gratitude towards her new family and then finally Klaus as he started off I was a bit nervous but here it was "tonight is one of those nights where you can forget who you are for an evening, good, bad, lonely, miserable it doesn't matter it's all trapped behind the mask that we wear to represent a new person, a new beginning and that's something I've always wanted to do. There is one special person in this room I would like to put in the spotlight tonight, she is my light, the one who accepts every part of me the one behind and with this mask on. She is my heart and soul and the person I am proud to call family, I love her with all my heart, she is my life! The one and only Caroline Forbes" I couldn't hold it back any longer, the tears we're escaping as I stepped forward and kissed him in front of everyone as they clapped and cheered. As I regained my composure it was my turn to speak. " First of all I would like to congratulate my precious family on the amount of work and effort they put into tonight's ball please give them you're heartfelt appreciation", and they did clapping and cheering once again, then I continued my speech " life isn't at all what you expect it to be and sometimes you're glad for that and in this case I am. I never would have imagined my life to be what it is now! I have a beautiful family made from my best friends and the love of my life's family! The Mikaelson family is a family built on trust, respect, loyalty and love. I didn't just enter into this family I grew into it, I earn't it. I learned to love the good and the bad and to encourage them no matter what always and forever" as I said that I looked at Klaus then said "you are my life, my family, my Mikaelson, to us, always and forever" I said and raised my glass, as the glasses clicked and the crowd cheered I turned to my family and as all of our glasses we're raised in a circle we clicked them and said in unison "always and forever". That ended our ball as we all went home together and went our separate ways, Me and Klaus, Rebekah and Stefan, Kol and Bonnie, Elijah and Katherine. Our family always and forever.

I hope you liked this chapter, I certainly enjoyed writing it. update soon! like, share, comment your thoughts!

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