Part 12

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Bonnies and Kols wedding day

Bonnie's Wedding DressThe top photo is the Bridesmaids dress

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Bonnie's Wedding Dress
The top photo is the Bridesmaids dress

Kols POV

I'm getting married today, I am so excited, my brothers are here grooming me and themselves and talking to the ladies, I haven't spoken or seen Bonnie in 2 days cause she wanted to make sure we weren't breaking any wedding rules bloody hell!

Bonnies POV

I'm getting ready, the ceremony will start in 40 minutes and the girls are all ready Elijah and Klaus have already been in to give me their best wishes and Elijah's gonna meet me across the hall to walk me down the aisle. Rebekah and Stefan get to walk down first, then Caroline and Klaus and finally Kat, She's walking herself down because she's one of my bridesmaids, the flower girl and the ring bearer, I had to give her extra responsibility since I'm stealing her groomsmen. I'm getting zipped up and final touches on hair and makeup before it's finally time to go

Stefans POV

I'm walking with Rebekah down the aisle and all I can think of is how much I love her and this family, who would have known the love of my life and my new family in which I love would be the originals. I hope everything goes to plan with Klaus today, his proposal the Caroline is gonna be the second biggest event today.

Carolines POV

I'm loving this ceremony and it's making me think that I want this with Klaus, soon I hope but I don't think he's ready for marriage yet though

Klaus's POV

Im thinking about my proposal, the ceremony is going smoothly and I got Caroline's ring engraved with this date to constantly remind her of when I finally made the biggest commitment of my life. I hope she says yes otherwise it's going to be a very awkward atmosphere after that.

Katherine's POV

I am throwing flowers everywhere and I am so happy for Bonnie right now, I hold the rings in two rose petal cases which was my detail I added because I just thought it would be so cool to have the flower girl and ring bearer be the same person although I never thought it would be me being all three things but I'm loving the amount of trust and respect Bonnie had in me it makes me feel like I'm finally apart of a real family

Elijahs POV

I walk Bonnie down the aisle and I'm starting to get a bit emotional as I see my brother almost in tears just by the beauty of my sister in law who stands right beside me. This family has been through so much and my brothers and I finally get to settle down with four new additions to our family who have literally been through hell and back for us and I love them with all my heart and I knew I would protect them no matter what took!


Bonnie finally made her way down the aisle, her bridesmaids on the left and the groomsmen on the right and her lovely fiancé soon to be husband on her side. Everyone took a seat and it was time for our vowels Kol went first.

"Bonnie I've spent most my life trying to find the true meaning of family and when I met you I finally knew! Family is someone you would happily give up everything for, someone who accepts you for what you are and who you choose to be, I want to be your family and I hope that you will be mine. With my siblings and you by my side I will forever be happy, you are my true love and I'm saying that as someone who for a very long time didn't believe that love existed but I'm saying it now because when I look at you all I see is the love I have for you and how far I would go to protect you! So today I stand here in front of these people and offer you me, I offer you my heart and soul and if you choose to accept I promise I will love and protect you until my dying day. So Bonnie Bennett strong immortal witch of 1000 years, I love you as Kol mikaelson the human and as Kol mikaelson the original vampire of 1000 years, i will love you always and forever!"

Everyone had tears, Klaus and Elijah were struggling to hold back gasps and whimpers as well as Rebekah and Caroline. Katherine and Stefan had handkerchiefs and were on the verge of breaking down.. if that wasn't enough here comes Bonnies

" Kol Mikaelson you have shown me good and bad, soft and harsh but I have loved every side of you as equally because I know without any of those sides you wouldn't be the person you are today and I wouldn't be standing up here if I didn't know what you mean to me and I do, I am not hopeful that I love you or that u want to spend the rest of my life with you, I am sure that you are the one and only person I want to spend the rest of my life with! You are human and you are vampire and you are mine and I am yours, there is nothing you will ever be able to do to drive me away and there is nothing anyone can do to tear me away from you as I will claw my way from the ends of the earth to be with you Kol Mikaelson, you make me feel alive, Like I'm the only girl in the world and you are handsome funny and by far the most extraordinary man I have ever met and you and this family, our family will be our sanctuary always and forever, I love you so I promise to love and cherish you as long as we both shall live"

EVeryone and I mean everyone was in tears now and what was once tears became rivers. Bonnie slid Kol's ring on and kissed his tears away and Kol slid Bonnies on, wiped her tears and kissed her ring finger. Kol kissed Bonnie and they all went outside to the reception in the hall.

The Reception
Bonnie and Kol have had their first dance and now it was time to throw the bouquet.

"Okay if all the unmarried women please come in the centre I would now like to throw the bouquet to the lady who will be getting married soon. Caroline, Rebekah and Katherine all stood in the middle with a bunch of other women and when they all gathered everyone started counting from three and on three Bonnie turned around while everyone looked at her confused and took the bouquet and handed it to Caroline, she was only confused for a moment before Klaus came along and dropped down to one knee, everyone surrounded them shocked smiling and giggling as Caroline's stood there shocked staring at Klaus who had now pulled a ring out of his pocket and spoke " Caroline, Believe it or not I have been planning this for a while but with everything that's been going on there hasn't been a right time but I believe now is a better time then any! You bought my family together and for that I am unbelievably grateful and I would like to start off by thanking you for all that you've done! When I met you I knew you were special cliche or not it's true, you are a true born queen and I hope that you will be my queen! You have inspired me to be better and to make the most of everything I have and that's what I'm doing now I ask you this because I love you and because I have never been more sure in my life about what I want and what I want is you, it's always been you and it will always be you! Our family wouldn't have survived without you and we all love you, they all consider you family and now i what you to become a mikaelson officially, so what do you say Caroline Forbes will you marry me?"

Caroline made him stand up and said " Yes" as they all cheered and yelled Klaus slid the ring on Carolines finger and the rest of the family came in for one big group hug!!

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