Part 8

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Klaus's POV

I am in Mystic falls and am outside Caroline's mothers house. I am the big bad hybrid but I am terrified, anxious and scared to knock on that door. I have been walking up to the door and running away for about 7 hours now and i'm still so nervous. It's nearly dark so I need to do this now. Just as I go to knock on the door, it opens and Liz Forbes walks out. "can I help you?, I have been watching you for the last 3 hours would you like to come in?" she asked and i'm a little bit surprised by her hospitality but I enter anyway. She makes us coffee and sits down at the bench with me, she looks so much like Caroline. "Is this about Caroline?" She asks firmly. "yes actually it is don't worry shes not hurt, I just I wanted to ask you, well I wanted to tell you, as you can see i'm not very good at this, I haven't done all the good things before in a relationship but I really love Caroline and want to spend the rest of my life with her and I want to find out if she wants to spend the rest of hers with me so I know you don't really know me or like me and I don't blame you I've done horrible things, some of those things have been to your daughter and I can't tell you how sorry I am for that I regret it everyday and I have been trying to change for her benefit and I love her, so I've come from New Orleans to ask you for you're blessing to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage" as I finish Liz is sitting their, normally and has the same facial  expression she had on as I began and I was really surprised. After a couple of minutes she smiled and said "I've always known you've been good to my daughter and I know that there are things I don't understand that you can protect her from that I can't so as a mother who just wants to see her daughter happy I grant you my blessing but I swear if you hurt her I will think of ways to torture you in ways not even your 1000 year old brain could comprehend do you understand me?" I nodded and hugged her "wait here for a moment" she said. Liz came out with a box, It was a box with a ring inside that looked like it had been around for a while but still sparkling and beautiful which suits mine and Caroline's relationship perfectly!

I flew back to New Orleans where I began to plan the perfect proposal for my queen. Caroline was out with everyone like I planned and I was spreading rose petals in a line in the direction of the balcony, this is the place where many of our happiest memories were so I thought it would suit perfectly for this occasion. Once I finished that I set up candles and flowers and made Caroline a nice dinner which sat in the middle of the table, when it was done I left he food in the oven so it would't get cold and went to have a shower and just into my suit. Just in time I heard the door open and only one person walk in, I told the men to take their ladies out and tell them what is happening while I take my chances with Caroline and then just when I heard her voice all my distraction went away.

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