Ch 14 / Dreams and Dreaming

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Warning, this capter is going to be boring. I'm lacking inspiration (even though I've got hundreds of reads and more votes and comments than I thought I waould ever get, thanks so much guys!) so this chapter isn't going to be great :(

I warned you!

Of course, I caught pneumonia.

Hey, I've only got myself to blame, right? What kind of idiot jumps into a freezing-cold lake in the middle of November? Me.

I woke up the morning after the lake incident with my chest feeling like it was about to explode. I sat up and started coughing and spluttering. I sank back down into my bed feeling suddenly breathless.

Katie, our head counselor, took one look at me and sent Sarah to get Chiron.


I've never been to the camp hospital ecept for when I come to visit another camper.

Two of my half-brothers carried me to there on a stretcher wrapped in a blanket. My head had started throbbing.

I remember a camper form the Apollo cabin standing over me. I could hear Chiron asking questions. Ambrosia. Necter.

I could feel my heat beating fast and faint. Drenched in sweat, shivering.

I was aware of everyone rushing around, but it was like watching a silent black and white movie in slow motion.

I could see Chiron's worried face. Some of my brothers and sisters from Demeter cabin. Medics from Apollo cabin.

But everything was slowly growing dimmer.

And then the dreams began.



I am running through the forest. It's late, almost dark, but I can see a light flickering somewhere through the trees in front of me. I keep running. Something is pulling me towards the light like a magnet.

I burst into a clearing and saw Leo. He had his back to me.

"Leo!" my dream-self shouted.

Slowly, he turned to see me and a smile spred across his face. He ran towards me, I ran to him...

...but then he ran through me as if I was made of smoke.

Time seemed to slow down.

I turned to watch as he ran to a figure standing at the edge of the clearing, partly hidden by shadows.

I saw her move towards him, saw then embrace.

Still with his arms wrapped around her waist, he draws back and studies her face.

After a pause, she puts her arms around his neck and kisses him.

"You had your chance." Nemesis' voice echoes around the clearing.

Then I feel the ground give way beneath my feet and I was falling through space.

*Dream Ends*


"We've given her all the Ambrsia we can without her burning up."

"Then why isn't she better yet?"

"I don't know! Pnemonia affects different people differently."

" £&^!*%($ all that crap science stuff, we're demi-gods! Why can't you heal her?"

"I don't know! I'm only mortal! Maybe she just has a waek inume system?"

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