Chapter 6: I Need To Leave

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!!!!!Thank You BudderPuma for commenting what you'd do in this situation, the following happens due to your actions!!!! ;)

'What do I do in this situation?' You questioned yourself.

     You didn't know what to do and thought fast, trying to avoid kissing someone you barley knew.  Well maybe you did know him, maybe he wasn't lying.  Maybe the weird vibes were just your imagination.  You sit up on the bed and look at him,"Uuuuuh...John. If I have memory loss, I surely don't want to kiss you." You put your hands on his shoulders and push him away before laying back down in the bed, holding the sheets over your face. "NIGHT JOHNY BOY!" you state and close your eyes. 'Best Nickname.' you proudly thought to yourself.

Johnathan, knowing you can't see him, looks and at you with a disgusted expression because you had just pushed him. He leaves the bedroom, shutting the door behind him offended but later brushes it off, for a reason only he knew. You lay there and hear the door shut, you hold your eyes closed hoping to fall asleep quickly. You end up falling asleep about an hour later.

The next morning you wake up to a bright room with real sunshine shining through the window. You sit up and stretch as the bed sheets fall off the upper half of your body. You put your hands down and feel the sheets as you finish yawning and you stand up out of bed.

You feel a bit different and look down at your cloths, their different cloths then from yesterday. Today you were wearing a baby blue T-Shirt, some light grey sweat pants, and light grey socks, no shoes. But yesterday you had been wearing black shorts and a piggy pink T-Shirt. 'I don't remember changing...Or do I?' you question yourself.  'Was this some kind of stunt Jonathan pulled last night?!' you thought to yourself, possibly over thinking.

You take one step on the soft carpet floor towards the bed room door to confront Jonathan about the unusual events that you had thought, had taken place last night. Just one step and the door opens, Jonathan steps into the room, once again closing the door quickly behind him.

"Jonathan?" you ask looking at him sweetly,"Why do I have different cloths on from the ones I went to sleep in?" you question him with a glare. "Oh well that's nothing" he said walking over to the window sill and grabbing the pink flowers,"We didn't do anything last night if that's where your going with this" he laughs at the silly thought you could have come up with.

He told you to sit down on the bed and you did so, he walked over to you while weaving the pink flowers together to make a crown. He places the flower crown on your head and smiles at you. 'What A showoff!' you thought confidently to yourself (still not trusting him) as you smile back.

     "So when can we see Noodle today?"  you ask him with hope in your eyes.  He looks around a bit suspiciously and states that you can't see her right now.  "Why not?  I want to see Noodle!!" you whine to him,"Well...I...I, need to see her first to make sure it's perfectly ok." he says.

     "Jonathan that makes no sense at all" you state, calling him out on his off behavior,"You said I could see Noodle today and I refuse to wait any longer!"

     "Ok, Ok!"  he says worryingly as he gets up from the bed and puts his hands up in front of him, signaling for you to stay seated.  "I'll be right back and then we can go see Noodle, I promise!"  He says reassuring you and walking backwards towards the bedroom door, leaving.

     "Great!" you sarcastically say staying seated on the bed alone in the room with your flower crown on.

     *Back to Noodle as she's about to enter the apartment*

     Noodle stops right next to Murdoc and looks at him daed in the eye,"...He's gone..." she says.  "What?" Murdoc responds in disbelief as he doesn't know what else to say.  "He's Gone!"  Noodle shouts and runs back into the house upset at herself.  She runs past 2-D in the hallway as he's rubbing his eyes tiredly, just getting up due to the loud doorbell.

     "Noodle?" 2-D says as Noodle opens her bedroom door and slams it roughly.  Murdoc comes down the hallway and looks to 2-D,"Poor girl".  "What did you do!?"  2-D shouts.  "What did I do?!  What did you do?!" Murdoc and 2-D start to argue.  Eventually Russel gets out of bed because of all of the early morning commotion and calms the boys down.

      Noodle gets up later that day and explains what had happened as Murdoc tells his story and backs her up as well.  All four band members spend the night awake and upset but eventually fall asleep.  

     The next day everyone wakes up as Murdoc shouts excitedly.  "WooooHooooo!!!!!!" Noodle, 2-D, and Russel walk into the living room tiredly to find Murdoc jumping around the room like crazy.

     "Oh what are you doin' man?" Russel questions.   "I've been working on an album that will bring us to the top!  And they wanna colab with us!  We've Got It!!"  Mudoc shouts about the bands upcoming new release of the album Humanz.

     The band celebrates in a tiredly excited way but Noodle was still upset with herself, as she felt she had failed (Y/N) again.   Noodle grabs her big warm coat, puts it on, and places her hand on the front door knob,"Where you going' love?" Mudoc asks worryingly, in his mid-party phase.  "I'm going' to get a smoke."   Noodle replied plainly, looking at Murdoc over her shoulder.

     Noodle opens the door and turns her head and attention to outside, noticing theirs someone standing in front of her.  "Hey Noodle, got time to talk about (Y/N)?" Jonathan asks.

Their are a hella But-Load of shouts outs so be prepared

To start this off, I wanted to shoutout my new followers who consist of: Female_antisepticeye, HystoriaPepper, JustYourLocalFangirl, enteranllyAlfresco, DancingPen, and Gwen_The_Reaper.

I also wanted to shoutout to chara-_and_-frisk and Macbubblegum, recently they have voted on so many chapters of mine that they've basically voted on my life. The only thing these people haven't voted on of mine is my The Walking Dead X Reader book (#ComingSoon).

     !!!!!Once again Shoutout to BudderPuma!!!!!

Am I Just A Bad Dream? (Gorillaz X reader) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now