Chapter 3 (part 1) - Broken Hearted

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Chapter 3 (part 1) - Broken Hearted

A.N:This is just the part 1 of 2 of chap. 3. xD

plss. Vomment ^_^

if u don't =_=++++ jk

Enjoy Reading ^_^


Venus's POV

I'm at the school's hallway wondering around, it's 7:30 a.m and my class starts at 9:00 a.m.  Too early? I know :<. I'm so sad because of what happened yesterday.. My first crush just broke my heart into pieces..

I just spent an hour roaming the hallway then went upstairs to wait for my friends at my locker, I already told them what happened after the dare and what HE said.. Their school bus will arrive in a minute..


Their school bus arrived cuz I can hear their loud voices -_-. I'm sitting infront of my locker looking like a mess..

Then I saw them, my tear will drop any moment. Then Tayena hugged me T.T, I sobbed quietly. I felt a little bit better, Tayena hates hug so it's a miracle that she hugged me. I know they're probably feeling guilty. but I'm not blaming anyone.

"Are you okay?" -Jhaine

"Obviously not T.T , He hurt my BEAUTIFUL hear. I'm so pretty. WHAAAAAAA!!"  - I cried

"Ven I know he hurt your feelings, but you're not pretty okay? Just kidding"- Jhaine

=_=+++ are they really my best friends?? aishh!! I hit her shoulder.

she gave me a peace sign while smiling ^_^v.

I told them to put their stuff in their locker before we have a chat.

After 5 min. they came back.

"Look at you, you're so haggard. You look ugly" -cbffs

*Death Glare*

^_^v -cbffs

"Princess why don't you try fixing yourself and show him who's the boss, like it's his lost not yours" -cbffs

that's what I like about them, what they say has sense. Though not always xD.

We went to  the washroom, I fixed myself. I brushed my hair since it was very messy and just put it in a simple ponytail and I left little chunks at each side, it looks pretty on me. I put powder and lip gloss, well I dont need to look perfect it's just an ordinary day. I just need to look simply pretty :"> *flips hair* xD

We're walking silently around the school, though I'm alert of my surroundings so if I see Sheen I'll act normal and ignore him or maybe hide. I just don't want to see him, I'll be in too much pain. Okay too much drama I'm just in grade 7 and he's in grade 8 (hehe he's older)..

As I was saying, we finally see him. I'm just smiling sweetly while walking by past him, avoiding eye contact HA! take that xD.

"Ven did you see him? He was looking at you" -cbffs

"I know and I ignored him"  - gorgeous me ^_^v


After we talked, we went to our own classrooms since the bell rang..

*Lesson Here*

*Lesson There*

*Lesson Everywhere*

after my class ,before lunch, the teacher announced that there will be a formal dance next friday after school at 7:00 p.m.

ugh.. another dance *rolls eyes* I'm sure everyone will be flirting everywhere in that dance. but I'll still come ^_^v I dont want to miss that fun just because of hoes (oops) .


a.n: lunch will be posted on part 2 chapter 3.

p.s there is something special in that chapter.. ^_^

p.p.s: sorry for late update

and I think my next update will be friday or next week.. cuz im kinda busy right now..

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