Chapter 27 - Stupidity 101

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A.N sorry for the

Super Duper Late update.


Ven's POV

Months have past, school started and I just woke up and it's already the day before Valentine's day <3. Yieee

I need to buy chocolates for my friends. ^__^

I did my daily routine and got ready for school. I woke up a little early so I tried all of the clothes I see lol. I just picked a plain black long sleeve, a white leggings with black tower prints and a white wedge boots.

It's pretty cold since it's winter.


I'm walking at the hallway with my friends when I saw Sheen, Ara and Kaden.

"Be right back." I said to Jhaine and Tayena and went to Kaden's side.

"Hey!" - I said.

"Ven! I was looking for you." - Kaden said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I and the student leader group, decided to have a dance tomorrow for valentine. So wait for the details later, K?." - A dance? I looked at Sheen and he was looking at me, more like investigating me. Err. So I just acted excited.

" Really?! there's a dance tomorrow?! Yey!" - I yelled sounding very annoying, hehehe.

"Hehe. So Princess you want to go shopping later?" - Ara asked.

"Sure! But just the two of us this time." I said.

"Ahehe, okay."

We went to our classes and waited for the school to end. I'm very excited, I need to buy a dress and a heels.

Time flied fast and my last class ended. I went to my locker and put back my things and grabbed my jacket and my bag. I waited for Ara outside the school and after a while she arrived with Sheen.

They we're laughing, and everytime Sheen is talking Ara is looking at me and then she will look at Sheen and laugh.

Weird. what is she trying to do?

Err, btw didn't I told her it's gonna be our date. Why's she with him then?

"Uhh, Hey Ara! Can I talk to you for a second. Alone?"

" *flirty laugh* sure." She's just too weird sometimes, just like me. hehehe

"I told you we're going to the mall and just the two of us, we haven't have a girl talk for a long time. So why are with him?"

" What's the problem? Don't worry he's not gonna bother us, I just thought we need someone to carry our shopping bags, since it's been a long time since our last shopping." She said and she burst into laughter.

I just gave her a weird smile and laughed awkwardly. Err.

We're riding Sheens car, Ara at the front seat.

Damn this! She said he's not gonna bother us but it seems like I'm not even here. Tss. I don't know how many times I rolled my eyes on our way here at the mall.

While we we're walking at the mall she hooked her arms to Sheen while smiling at me.

Her smile, its weird. Something's wrong.

I hooked my arms to her and pulled her at forever 21.

"Let's find something sexy. Hahaha, let's make our boyfriend drool." I told Ara.

My Cute PangetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora