Chapter 8 - What he truly feels (formal dance)

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Sheen's POV

I entered the door to the formal dance, as soon as I did, I looked for her. Well I don't really go to these parties cuz it's too loud and lots of flirting and stuff.

Probably all of you hates me for what happened. I'm here to explain it to her, I didn't really.. well no time to waste I'll explain next time..

I'm still currently searching the crowd for her and my friends.. Then I saw her looking at me, she's always beyond beautiful except she wasn't smiling. While she's looking at me it seems like she doesn't want to see me at all..She looked away, does she hate me that much she doesn't even want to look at me?..

I lost my self confidence, how can I explain to her now?

After a while a slow song played.. I looked for Princess, I was thinking of asking her to dance so while dancing I can tell her what really happened. I'm on my way when one of my girl best friend asked me to dance. I couldn't say no, we're really close and I like her. don't get me wrong, it's because she's a good friend .

While we're dancing I searched for her again. She's with her friend chatting and she's even smiling. I guess she didn't even care about me dancing with a girl. So I just talked to my gbf (girl best friend), all she did was make me laugh.. I glanced at Princess and she was holding her phone... I guess she just doesn't care <\\3..

After the slow dance my friends grabbed me, we had a little chat outside the venue of the dance, after a few minutes we decided to go back inside..

I saw her happily dancing with her friends. She's smiling :).

then suddenly the door opened.. Oh just grade eighters. I stared again at Ven, she's looking at the grade eighter that I believe named Matt.. Matt said hi to her and she was staring at him while smiling widely. She looks happy <\\3..


Time passed.

I'm just sitting at our table watching Princess dance, she's really cute.. While her friends are trying to slowly ditch.. her?

They're trying to sneak away from Princess? lol they look funny.. :))

But why are they ditching Princess to talk to Matt?? (I smell somethin fishy lol)

*A Thousand Years*

What the.. Slow dance again? Oh, yah. I haven't asked her to dance with me yet..









Ughh. What should I do?

I grabbed one of my pretty girl best friend and asked her to dance near Princess.. Maybe she'll be jealous? >:) or not °^° ..

As we're dancing I walk more towards them so if they turn Princess will hit my partner...

Mission Accomplished...

She hit my partner then said sorry..

"It's okay, it's my partners fault."

She looked at me smiling..

I looked away >\\\>

Why is she so pretty?


After that, she doesn't even look like she's affected..

She's so happy dancing with the guy and in the end she whispered something to the guy... I heard it and searched it on my phone... I wasn't sure about the spelling but it still showed up...


Should I give her up then?


Update done ^__^

I need supports from readers ^__^


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