Chapter 21 - A New Beginning

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Ven's POV

It's been a week since Sheen confessed that he was playing with me and I'm still broken, good thing the school year is over. I won't see him anymore, well at least for 2 months.

I guess two months is enough for me to forgive and forget, and to move on.

I was pondering at the couch when my phone vibrated. It's Tayena. I was the only one she can bug since Jhaine went for a vacation at Philippines. Lucky fish.

"Hey aren't u going to the fair?"

" Ehh? What fair?" - I texted back.

"R U kidding? U don't know about the fair? It's gonna be at the back of Mello Elem. School for 3 days and starts at 1:00 p.m and ends at 12:00 a.m. 8$ for entrance then 37$ for the ride all you can. , you better come or I'll be a loner T-T. Btw Luke is gonna be with me. ;) Byee See ya there :*"

I'm telling you! A lot of things happened in a week after 'the scene with Sheen', first bebe Bryan is now dating Tayena, it was a little awkward bcuz I'm used to call Bryan bebe but who cares. Haha I still remember what I did xD I sent him a message saying
' Bebe Bryan,
I'm sorry, but this wont work for us,
I'm breaking up with you, I know you love me so bad but I wont forgive you for cheating on me with my bestfriend.. how dare you! *smacks in the face* hehe lets just be friends , dont worry I'll still call u bebe ...

gorgeous princess

tear tear sizzle sizzle xD'

I know it's too crazy, but crazy is my middle name. :))

then second I met Tayena's cousin Luke who is now my new bebe xD I met him at Jhaine's party before going to Philippines while Tayena was video chatting him, I wanted to see him personally but it always ends up not happening ..

I look at the clock and it's already 12:00 pm crap! I need to get ready.

I took a quick shower then look for something decent to wear. I remember the shirt my sis borrow from me so I wore my bathrobe and went to her room to find it since she's at work.

My sister and my fav. cousin loves to dress up and doll their selves. I found my t-shirt and I was about to exit the room when I notice my sisters vanity mirror, maybe I can doll myself for a new beginning? for a new me? I sat on the chair then started to examine the things. I've never actually dolled my self except if there's a special occasion and it's not really me who does it. I just know how to put some basics, that's all.

I watched my sister and my cousin before and I kinda still remember how they do it when we have sleep overs we love to do make overs.

I spent like 25 min. putting make up, I actually watch some videos at youtube for a little help. OMG I looked at the mirror and I saw my reflection. I look astonishing. I can't even recognize myself, my eyes are smoky I look hot. xD

I saw a video on google for how to make easy beach waves I did it on my hair. I really look pretty, I have to admit it that before I don't look so pretty.
I was simple perhaps, too simple :/

It's 12:50 p.m already so I took my purse and called a taxi.

I arrived at the fair and saw Tayena with Bryan.

Awww, they look so cute. They're wearing a cute couple shirt. <3

I waved at them and run to get a hug. I look around the place and it's pretty! There's a lot of rides! Omg I so love rides!

"Err, uhm do I know you?" -Tayena asked

"Don't act dumb Tayena!"

"P-Princess?!" She asked shocked with wide eyes.

"I prefer to be called Aphrodite. haha just kidding! let's go?"
They just nodded.

We strolled around and played some games at the booths. People turn their heads when I walk pass them!

"Ugh! I already spent like $30 just to get that pink huge teddy bear." - Its true! I already spent a lot but it seems impossible to win this game. You need to shoot the circles to the bottle and it's really hard!

" Hahaha. Good thing I have a boyfriend to win me one." -Tayena said.
Bryan tried it and he did it at his first try! He's so lucky, now Tayena have a big bear. I wish I have a guy to win me one. :/ If only Sheen... ugh never mind.

I just kept silence. I felt crying, but I don't want Tayena to see me cry. I still remember, she was the witness of the most painful time of my life. After Sheen told me that he was playing with me I cried nonstop for two days. I just cried my self to sleep then the moment I wake up I cry again, I felt so worthless. That's the moment I attempted suicide, well I cut my wrist. I told you a lot of things happened, But my sister saw me immediately so she called an ambulance so I didn't die. Tayena didn't leave my side for a week and then when she was sure I was thinking straight she came back to normal though she checks me up every other day.

"Princess, I know that you're still sad about it. Forget it okay? We're here to have fun." She said smiling.

I smiled back and just nodded and that's the moment I saw him.

Cliff hanger? lol nah.
Who do you think she's referring by him?


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