Chapter 19 - Her Other Side

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WARNING: Uhmm, there'll be some very rude languages and actions in here xD.
Ven's POV

I'm so happy that Matt/Panget was there yesterday to comfort me, If he didn't arrived I'll probably cry my eyes out and get emo XD. I was really happy that he was there and for what he said.

It's lunch time and me and cbffs and Amanda ( a friend of mine who is a lot taller and bigger than me cuz I'm quiet small .. ._. shame)
decided to have our lunch outside the school since it's summer and there's 4 tables more like a picnic bench outside and believe it or not it's the last day of class before we have our 2 weeks vacation because of, I don't really know the reason xD.

As I stepped out the school's door, my heart beats fast that I breathed slow and deep. I just saw Sheen on 1 of the table surrounded by girls and his friends. I felt a pinched at my heart And If I wasn't mistaken the girl beside him is 'his ex' the girl that he kissed at the gym. They were laughing happily and loudly. I just felt Jhaine tapped my shoulder and smiled at me like she's saying that it's okay and act normal, and what she meant by normal is her own definition of normal. Crazy. We sat across Sheen's table and I was facing him.

Tayena plugged her earphones and turn around repeatedly as she walks around our table, I saw Sheen's girl-friends laughed. I was quiet pissed by that. Jhaine sit at the table beside me and begin to eat her lunch, and I'm sure that after she finish her lunch she will join Tayena on her craziness and embarrassed me -3- . I'll just walk slowly away from them while saying 'I don't know them' Just Kidding. And I was right she did what I thought she would. My friends aren't crazy, they're just quiet immature and young and careless. I'm the oldest in our group though the smallest. Ikr, how cruel and unfair the world is xD.

I finished my lunch and watch them. They we're rolling at the grass now and tickling each other. *face palm* Tayena's bf arrived with one of his friend 'Bryan' and what I mean by bf is boyfriend not big finger xD. I called him.

"Oh, crap!" Then I chase him around, even around Sheen's table with an open arms.. Sheen's g-friends was laughing at us teasingly.. They we're making fun of us! I ignored it but I'm very pissed.

I stopped chasing 'bebe' and rest for a bit then played tag with cbffs after a while. While 'bebe' and his friend Will just sit at our table.

I was pissed at Sheen's g-friends cuz they we're still making fun of us and I'm disappointed that Sheen isn't making any action to at least depend me. I so wanted to sing the chorus of 'Somebody that I used to know' right now, I won't be ashamed cuz I admit that my voice can be compared to a voice of an angel. I just ignored my feelings and play tag with my friends, when suddenly this 'bully' kick his lunch box intentionally to hit me.


I remember him, his the guy that I always call 'evil guy' since his much of an evil demon. I heard loud laughing from Sheen's table.

The girls were laughing at me. *smirk* Big mistake. I feel bad for 'evil guy' cuz he always bully me and I don't fight back but this time was a wrong time to mess with me.

I gave Sheen's table a very scary death glare. It shut them up, I as well give a death glare to evil guy and it made him back up a few steps.

"*smirk* Big Mistake." I threw a punch at his face which made him backed up a few steps. I heard gasp from Sheen's table. They didn't expect that, I'm just a small charming weak little girl for them. Well I'll prove them wrong. My cbffs already know what I can do when I'm mad and they never dare to stop me from what I do instead they join me. I saw how they aura turns dark.
Little girls can turn evil at times too you know.

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