Chapter 10.2 - Consequence (and continuation)

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Ven's POV

Everything went well after the knee incident xD.

~last subject before lunch~


"We're going to study about different kind of fractions." -teacher

Have I mentioned that I hate math, not because it's hard because it's a piece of cake -_-. I'm serious I hate math because it's no challenge. Maybe because they teach easier stuff than in Philippines, I got to study in Philippines for 2 1/2 years so yah. xD

before we were dismissed the teacher needs to read the school announcement. Nothing interesting except for free skating on Saturday *o* I'm exchited xD. (though I never tried it >.<.)


It's already lunch time and my freaking knee still hurts so much T^T Good thing cbffs are here, kinda -_- they ditched me again for lunch *face palm*..

I went downstairs carefully,carefully, Jinx -_- I stepped with my injured knee and yah I gave the floor a hug lol xD. suddenly a hand appeared >.< GHOST!! xD

It's Kaden ma labs xD .

"I had a feeling you needed help *smiles*" Kaden

>.< Hermeged xD

I accepted his hand for support to get up.

"Uhh hehe thanks." ma hero *o* xD

He helped me to go to the cafeteria. Such a a gentleman ^\\\\\\^

And as expected >.<

"WHAAAA! Prin!!..cess.. >\\< who is this guy with you. HAA YOUR BOYFRIEND!! KYAAAAAAAAAA!!" - cbffs. -_-

"Guyss easy, his name is Kaden and he is not my boyfriend -_-" -me introducing Kaden while opening the glass bottle drink and took a sip.

"Ouch." - Kaden pretending he got hurt after I said he's not my boyfiee.. friendzoned xD

>\\\\\\\\\< - me

"I'm just kidding hahaha. You should've seen your face hahahaha."

I hit his arm and pout >3<

"Mean." Aphrodite jk xD - Ven

He playfully back hugged me

O/////O >\\< I removed his arm and looked away. What the hell was he thinking. We're still not that close for him to act like atleast a bestfriend >.>......

"Uhhh guys I got to go first, yah I need to change for gym."

then I ran carefully cuz my drink might spill and my freakin knee still hurts lol >.<

"Hey, Ven!" he grabbed my arm >.<

"Uhh, yeah?" I tried to sound normal as I can.

"Uhmm, sorry for what I did. Its just that.."

"Oh yeah, that. It's okay, I understand :). I really need to go, bye!"

Wew that's kinda awkward ...

As I entered the door...


*glass shattering*

I dropped the glass.

He's kissing a girl, who?

Who else is always at the gym during lunch hour.

*Everyone looked at me*

*stopped kissing*

"Uh I-I'm s-sorry. *faint smile*"

I picked up the broken glass pieces I kinda pinched it.

"Ouch!" I didn't notice that I'm already tearing. :'( Lucky day *insert sarcastic here*

He grabbed my hand.

And sipped the blood, eww. Vampire JK xD

"Sh-Sheen." I grabbed my hand and looked away. He did the same.

"Uhh sorry" -Sheen

"Uhh yeah , I have to finish cleaning this up." Then I started picking up the glass carefully, and wiped my tears.

He helped me to finish cleaning it up.

No one was talking cuz it's AWKWARD.

After we cleaned it up he gave me a band-aid


"Err. Thanks." v////v

*Bell Rings*

Saved by the bell WEW.

"Ahh thanks again, got to go. :)"

Then I ran to the girls change room.

The moment I got in I leaned on the door and breathe, I can't like him again or more. I just cant :'(

He was kissing a girl. And as long as I can remember that girl is his ex-girlfriend T_T that b*tc*...

I didn't know I was already tearing up.
I just changed and went to the gym with a pout. -3-



He's seventh grade and my classmate?!

"Hey Kayden, you're my classmate?"

"Haha. yah since the day you had gym."

>.< So? I really never pay attention to who my classmates are?

"You ok, you look disappointed. :/"

"I'm fine and I'm not disappointed" >.< I'm not disappointed. He's actually a cutie hihi :"> xD

"Ok. I'll just hang with my friemd :)"

I just nodded and smile :>

"Ven!! Ven!!!!!! I have a news!!." -Jhaine

My eardrums T_T

"-_-' What's your problem? le me guess the doctor can't fix your face. BWAHAHAHAHAHA" - I know I'm mean.. xD

"Meanieee T^T !!
Fine then I won't tell you, I swear you'll regret it ( -_-)__ (-_- ) talk to the hand. hmf."

Seriously what's her problem. -_-

"Fine fine.. I'm sorry *puppy eyes* (^3^)" -meh

"K pine. Just because I'm pretty." - Jhaine

Eww *Fake Puke* lol..

"He's gonna be here."


Author's Note:
Sorry for a late update. I'll try to update more often. ^__^

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