Chapter One "Cave Woman" or "He Called Me Pretty"

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Chapter One ~ "Cave Woman" or He Called Me Pretty"

Monday 5:30 am
In the bathroom

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day back at school, which I like to call it, "The Day When Teachers Gives Us Tons of Homework When It's Just The First Day Back."

Don't get me wrong, school is okay but when you're an outcast like me who falls at the bottom of the social chain, it's hard to get by!

Don't get me wrong, school is okay but when you're an outcast like me who falls at the bottom of the social chain, it's hard to get by!

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"Claire! Hurry up, I have to potty!" my little sister,Ramona yells. I closed my diary and jump off the sink.

I literally only been in here for five minutes.

Can I ever get any privacy in this house?!

"Hurry up stinkypants!"

Isn't it such a joy to have annoying bratty siblings?

I opened the door and let her in. She hurriedly jumped on the toilet and does her business then lets out a breath. "Gross." I mumbled and continued to get ready for school.

That's when something absolutely CRAZY happened. Ramona clumsy self bumped into me making me drop my curling iron in the sink! Electric sparks came flying causing us to dove into the bathtub. "Oopsies." she giggles.

Now how am I suppose to do my hair!? I looked like I just got out of a fight. Like seriously, my hair was an complete mess! I looked at Ramona and she gave me a lopsided smile.

"You idiot!" I yelled.

Our mother, Janice came rushing in with our baby sister, Eliza on her hip. "What in tarnation! What's going on in here?" she asks with an confused look on her face.

Now, see my family is very weird. I have a father who is obsessed with his exterminator business, a mother who loves using old southern words, and two little sisters who wants to ruin every ounce of my life.

"Ramona made me drop my curling iron in the sink!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the direction of where my fried curling iron lay flat in the sink. Ramona shot up out of the bathtub and threw a hissy fit.                            


"Yes you did!"



We went back and fourth until Mom shouted, "Enough you two!" We shut up immediately after that.

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