Chapter Four "You Didn't Do The Crime But You Did The Time"

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Chapter Four ~ "You Didn't Do The Crime, But You Did The Time."

Wednesday 7:00 am
In the kitchen

Dear Diary,
You won't ABSOLUTELY believe what happen to me yesterday!

I was torn between two guys over who was gonna take me home!

Me, the outcaster and all A's student is getting noticed by guys who I wouldn't even stand a chance to be with.

I know I shouldn't make this a whole big idea, but it was a very hard decision to make!

It was like choosing between Damon and Stefan from Vampire Diaries.

It was like choosing between Damon and Stefan from Vampire Diaries

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I mean, look how hot they are!

Let's flashback to what happen, first!

The school's parking lot

"Hey Claire! Need a ride?" he shouted smirking.


Someone freaking pinch me, because this has to be a dream! I'm about to ride a motorcycle with Mickey!


Gloria pinched me and whispered, "Go ahead, we will catch up with you later."

I nodded watching them walk away giggling.

Can they seriously stop leaving me in situations like this?!

I nervously walked over to him but stopped when Daniel called my name!

"Hey Claire! Want a ride?" he asked.


I looked over to both guys and started to sweat.

Like I broke into an full blown sweat! It looked like I just ran 5000 miles.

They waited for an answer, giving each other glares making me feel very uncomfortable...

So, I decided to do one thing, that was fair to both of them.

"Um!  I-I rather walk home. Thanks though..." I say nervously walking away leaving them both feeling rejected.

                            End of Flashback

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