Chapter Ten "The Badboy Stole My Sisters"

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Chapter Ten ~ "The Badboy Stole My Sisters"

Tuesday 9:00 am
At School

Dear Diary,

Yesterday, I got my very first job, which was the complete opposite of what I was thinking it would turn out.

I had to babysit my crush of my life, Mickey, and his little brother, Romeo.

Now it wasn't that bad, I actually had a great time. Until...

Daniel showed up at my house while I was over across the street at Mickey's house.

I had completely forgotten that I was suppose to hang out with Daniel! So, I had to come up with an excuse causing me to cancel on him, for the SECOND time.

I feel extremely bad about it and now I'm scared to face him at school today. So I tend to avoid him at all costs.

I closed my diary and tucked it under my Literature book then turned my focus back on the lesson.

As much as I love school, I do get bored most of the time. I doodle here in there in my notebook but I know I have goals to accomplish.

To maintain my GPA, graduate, and get into a good college like Harvard or Yale.

I try to take some notes but Gloria, who sat behind me, kept taping her foot and clicking her pen.

I turned around and asked, "Can you stop, please? I'm trying to concentrate."

"Oh, I'm sorry, your highness." She said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

Gloria and I haven't talked to each other since the argument we had yesterday. I tried to apologize to her about it but it didn't work.

Since she's very stubborn, I know it's gonna take her some time to forgive me.

After class, I went to my locker to put up some books I didn't need. Once, I closed it, I then turned around to see Daniel walking down the hall.

I gave him an awkward smile and a wave, but in return, he ignored me.

Now, he isn't never gonna talk to me ever again, all because of my idiotic self and decisions.

I sighed before walking down the hall to get to class.


Soon after all morning classes, it was now noon which means time for lunch!

I was starving since I barely had time to eat breakfast because I had to walk Ramona to school by myself today and she was acting grumpy so it took longer than expected.

As I was walking down the hall to the cafeteria, I saw Brittany and Mickey arguing. I hid behind the wall by the water fountain and watched.

"We are over. You do not satisfy my needs anymore and I'm just done!" Brittany yelled pushing Mickey away from her and fixing her top.

"Satisfy your needs?! I spend shit loads of money on you!" Mickey yelled shoving his leather jacket on.

Brittany put her hands on her hips, "That's what boyfriends are suppose to do, you idiot!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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