Chapter Three "Climbing to the Top" or "Serial Killer on the Loose"

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Chapter Three ~ "Climbing to the Top" or "Serial Killer on the Loose"

Wednesday 7:00 am
In my room

Dear Diary,
The absolutely CRAZIEST things happen yesterday! Crazier than finding out Mona was 'A' on PLL.

Dear Diary,The absolutely CRAZIEST things happen yesterday! Crazier than finding out Mona was 'A' on PLL

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Okay maybe not that crazy! BUT STILL!

#1 Ramona almost blew up the kitchen!

But Mickey came in and saved the day!

This is why you should never ever let me babysit your kids! I swear I completely  forget I'm even babysitting!

#2 Mickey and I ALMOST kissed!

Well he was joking with me BUT STILL! It could of happened!

I'm ACTUALLY prepared for it too!

"Claire, Valerie and Gloria are here!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

I closed my diary, stuffed it in my book bag and grabbed my rollerblades.

I know what you're probably thinking right now,
'Rollerblading is so 90's.'

Yeah, but I would rather rollerblade then waste gas and pollute air!

Anyway, Gloria, Valerie, and I rollerblade to school sometimes because we all don't own a car yet and can't drive to save our lives.

So, the best option is rollerblading since I broke my bike long ago by leaving it out in the road like an idiot and we all owned a pair of rollerblades.

I walked downstairs and was greeted by the smell of bacon, eggs, biscuits and coffee.




Am I the only one who's obsessed with bacon?! I know I'm eating a poor pig but a girl got to EAT. Animals eat us, so don't come for me.

Entering our daily chaos morning routine!

Here we have, Gloria rummaging through our fridge when we have food already set out on the table.

Then, Valerie is complaining about the lack of vegetables and us eating animals, while Ramona was being a big BUM like always.

"Nope. Too healthy. Oh, PUDDING!" Gloria shouts grabbing a cup of pudding and stepping over the pile of food that was thrown on the floor by her.

"Ugh, can you guys not eat poor precious animals! Like, it's so cruel!" Valerie exclaimed taking a bite of bacon.

"Valerie, sweetheart, you're eating bacon right now which is basically a pig." Mom reminded her giving Eliza a cup of orange juice.

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