Chapter Nine "Babysitting the Badboy"

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Chapter Nine ~ "Babysitting the Badboy"

Monday 7:00 am
At Home

Dear Diary,

I am officially the worst bestfriend ever.

Yesterday, I went over to Brittany's million dollar mansion, and did something I will regret for the rest of my life.

Brittany and Jelena made this book called "The FUS Book" meaning 'Fat Ugly Skanks', it's filled with pictures of girls from our school and disgusting cruel things about them.

I accidentally blurted out that Valerie had anorexia which sparked interest to Brittany and Jelena. So they made me write something bad about Valerie and mention her disorder..

That's when I realized, I'm a terrible friend. If Gloria and Valerie ever find out, they will hate me forever.

I closed my diary and got up from the bed. Gloria came in the room with one of the bathroom robes on and hair wet from taking a shower.

"Good morning." I said stretching my limbs.

She ignored me and continued to brush through her hair then grabbed her bag and walked into my closet to change.

I'm assuming she's probably still mad that I ditched her and Valerie to hang with Brittany and Jelena.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to make up the bed.

Two can play that game. I'm the queen of silent treatment. When I was ten years old, I ignored my parents for a month until they brought me the new Just Dance game. I eventually got it because the silence was killing them.

"Claire and Gloria, breakfast is ready!" Mom shouted from downstairs.

As I was walking to the door, Gloria shove me out of the way leaving me flabbergasted.

There's no reason for her to be PETTY. I know I should of hung out with her and Valerie but she shouldn't make it a big deal!

I rolled my eyes for the SECOND time today and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Mom set plates of waffles, pancakes, biscuits, bacon, muffins, fruit, eggs, and a pitcher of orange juice on the table.

My mom sometimes cooks so much food! She's so obsessed with cooking and I'm still wondering why she doesn't have her own cooking show on the Food Network.

We all sat down and filled our plates with Mom's delicious food.

"So, Claire, I got you, your very first job!" Mom
beamed taking a bite of bacon.

A job?! I know I'm practically old enough to have a job but why so soon?!

"You're fifteen and almost sixteen, Claire. It's time for you to handle the responsibilities of a job." Dad explained.

I suppose he is right, but I think I'm not mature enough for a job and I especially can't work a cash register if my life depended on it!

"What's the job?" I asked taking a sip of orange juice.

"Babysitting the neighbor's kids after school. You don't have to babysit your sisters because I have to take Ramona to the girl scouts meeting and I'm taking Eliza with us." Mom said pouring Eliza some juice in her sippy cup.

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