Chapter Five "Making Deals With The Devil"

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Chapter Five ~ "Making Deals With The Devil"

Friday 6:55 am
In my room

Dear Diary,

You won't believe what happen Wednesday!

I had one suspension and detention for the rest of the school year caused by the one and only, Mickey Sanatino!

My parents didn't kill me, thank god. But I did get my phone taken away and got grounded for a month.


Also, the same day I got detention, Brittany saw me in the car with Mickey!

She gave me the deadliest glare that made me shiver up inside.

My life is so over!

"Wow, juicy stuff." Gloria said starling me half to death.

I shut my diary close and sat it on my nightstand.

"Gloria, respect my privacy, will ya?" I say rolling my eyes and getting off the bed.

Gloria stayed over the night since yesterday we had suspension.

Which was totally not our fault but whatever.

"I know, I know. But I always see you write in that thing, now I know it's a diary." Gloria teased, dragging out the "y" in diary.

I never ever told anyone about my diary not even my two closest friends. It's like a book to keep all my private thoughts in you know?

If it ever gets out, I am DOOMED.

"Psh, no it isn't." I lied scratching my arm.

When I lie, I start itching. It's a habit I always had since forever. Maybe it's my guilt catching up to me.

"Yeah, whatever. I know when you're lying. You start to itch like crazy." Gloria says laughing.

"Oh, hush." I said gently pushing her to get to my closet.

I took out my AC/DC tank top and ripped jeans. Since, the sun is out, I decided not to wear my hoodie that I wear like every single day.

Hey, I have a little decency and respect for myself.

"I'm hungry." Gloria says walking out my room to go to the kitchen.

When isn't Gloria ever hungry. (Sarcasm)

I shake my head and chuckled then walked to the bathroom that was located across from my room.

I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I decided to throw my hair up in a bun because when I straighten it, it always fusses out.

I brushed my teeth and went back to my room to put on my vans.

"Claire, your mom says to come down for breakfast before it's all gone!" Gloria shouted from downstairs.

I raced down the steps because when my mom makes bacon, it's always gone in less than a second and I never get any!

I ran to the kitchen where my parents, Gloria, and my two little sisters were sitting at the table, already munching away.

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