Chapter Seven

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~Kayla POV~

Soon, I reach the end of the stairs, a warm light was glowing behind a door at the end of the passage. I leaned against the wall and looked into the room beyond carefully. Inside the room, pictures were strung up on the wall, red X's on some and red strings going from one picture to another. Each picture had names underneath them with a dresses and numbers – in short, the room looked like the layer of a serial killer.

I gripped my dagger tighter as the woman came into view, a marker in her hand, and put a red X on a picture of a man with a scraggly beard. She put the marker down and started to write something on a note pad that sat on the desk just below the pictures on the walls. The desk was the only furniture in the room.

I took this time to quietly enter the room and position myself in a position to attack. I would question this person and if they are related in the murder of my pack, then she would die where she stands. Just as I was about to put the dagger at her throat, she moved to put her pencil down and grab the marker again. I barely got out of the way when she turned to put another X on a second picture, this time of a woman with spiked hair. Just as she turned around I put the dagger under the woman's chin, so the sharpness of the blade just touched her neck. I applied a little bit of pressure so that she knew that I mentioned business, and narrowed my eyes at her.

She reminded me of someone.

"Did Rena send you to kill me then?" the woman asked, her voice sounding very familiar. I looked her over again and breathed in slowly, trying to place her sent and looks. The woman growled at me, looking me over at the same time.

"If your going to kill me, assassin, just do it!" she growled, and her appearance, voice and sent finally hit home.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked her, genuinely curious. This was the last place that I would expect to find her. Over the almost two year period where I was gone, she changed quite a bit. Her appearance changing was a given since a lot of time has past, her voice has gotten a slight bit softer, and she must have joined another pack for her sent to have changed as it did.

She still did not recognize me, but I knew she would since I was able to recognize her. The last time I saw her, my hair was much shorter and darker, my skin was a lighter shade and I had grown slightly taller then I was. I am much more toned than I was before, with all of the training I did with Danny and my voice got rougher from not using it very often. But my eyes are the same, and I still radiated the power that I held over any other Werewolf. After all,  Dyre Wolf Werewolves were the first and oldest kind of Werewolf, and thus held an authority over other Wolf kinds.

Slowly, I saw her eyes widen when recognition passed through them, and I removed my blade from her throat since I knew she wouldn't attack me. Tears glistened in her eyes as she put a hand over her mouth and slowly shook her head.

"No," she said, disbelief clear in her voice. "You can't possibly be... alive...?"

Tears started to go down her face as she enveloped me in a hug. After a few seconds, I hugged her back tentatively, still not liking contact with others, other than my children. 

"Your real...." I heard her sob, "I'm not dreaming..."

"Of course I'm real Hana." I said back, petting her back gently.

After a while she calmed down and looked up at me, tears still in her eyes. She looked very happy now though.

"When our pack was attacked, my parents tried to get me away. My father stayed behind to stop the Rouges from following my mother and I,  but others must have seen us leaving." Her hands were gripping my arms as more tears started to fall. "Mother and I got separated while running away. I eventually ran into the pack that was supposed to meet us that night for your party. I told them about the attack, and they came right away to help. But when we arrived, everyone was dead and the Rouges were all gone."

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