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A year ago, I posted a story titled Paper Trails. A year ago, I introduced Neila Abrams to all of you. I remember how excited I was to share this new, dark, fun story with you. I remember creating Neila, and falling in love with who she became. Someone who knew who she was and didn't apologize for it. She was not the good girl. She's not the heroine. She has flaws, like all of us, and she makes mistakes, like all of us. I'm very protective of her, of her character. A few people expressed their dislike for her, and I understood. She's not the good guy. Neila has done a lot of wrong. But I don't tolerate those who will bash her—talking about how her name is stupid, or it sounds snobby, or how she in general is a stupid character for falling in love with someone like Niccolò. So I did delete comments like that when I saw them. We can't help who we grow feelings for. If we could, there probably wouldn't be so much heartbreak in our lives. I remember creating Niccolò. I wanted someone who was mean, but not evil to the point where you can't possibly understand how anyone could love him. He's harsh, he's standoffish, and he's a villain to many people. But there's some kindness in him, and I wanted to make sure it showed sometimes so we don't forget that he's human. And humans feel. A year ago, I started this story and in that time I've gained so many loyal friends—because you guys are my friends—who stood by me. Even when the story got a little dark and a hard to read, you guys stayed. Paper Trails is not an easy story to write. No story is easy to write. You have to take everything into consideration. You have to remember everything. You have to know where you want this to go, and you need a general idea of how you want it to get there. You want to shock the readers, surprise them, even scare them sometimes. You want them to feel something. A year ago, I started Paper Trails. And now here I am a year later halfway through Paper Trails 2. I'm blessed. And I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you ❤️ And Happy Birthday to Paper Trails!!

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