Chapter Four

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"No. Batman could not beat Superman."

"Yes he could, you don't know what you're talking about."

"Taya Perkins!" Thomas stood up quickly, pushing back his chair and pointing a jokingly threatening finger in Taya's direction.

It had now been about two weeks since we started sitting with this loud group of teens. And try as I may, I couldn't get over the obstacle of my shyness. I still hadn't said a word. Michael was very persistent in getting me to talk and would constantly flirt with me in a joking manner. But even if I wasn't shy, what would I say? Would they like me? What if they just thought I was annoying?

Quietly I sat, swirling my drink in my hand, listening to it lap at the side of the metallic base. Suddenly, I noticed a strange quietness around the table. Out of curiosity, I looked up. EVERYONE was staring at me. My cheeks lit up as I made eye contact with everyone at the table, trying to figure out what they were staring at. I furrowed my brow in confusion, then looked over my shoulder. Michael had his arm raised over his head, as if he was going to put an arm around me. My eyes widened and then the words came.

"What are you doing?"

"Whoah! She does speak!" He laugh nervously and set his arm back at his side.


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