Justin's Life

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Justin Bieber

It's Monday today, you know what that means? No. 

Alright I'll tell you, another beautiful day in my hell. I would rather kill myself than suffer another day in that hell hole but i can't do that because my mum will get suspicious and i love her too much to hurt her and let her know what is going on, I just cant do that to her. 

So with that thought in mind, I rolled out of bed, literally, and fell on my bottom, I groaned in annoyance and rubbed my lower back where a pain shot through it. 

After sitting on the floor for a couple more minutes i decided it was time to get up and ready for the day ahead and face what is coming my way. 

I walked into my bathroom and grabbed a towel out of the cupboard, switching the shower on and stripping of my pyjamas which was just sweats and a shirt, I hopped in the shower and let the warm water relax my tense muscles letting out a breath of air. 

A little while after i had gotten in and just stood under the refreshing water, I decided it was time to wash and get dressed ready to go to school so i washed my body and hopped out the shower wrapping the towel around my waist once i was done then walked over to my mirror that was hanging above my sinks.  

I looked at my reflection and hated what i was looking at, I was so fat and ugly it was unbelievable, well actually it was quite believable since everyone in school has realized it. 

I let out a sigh and decided to make a few cuts before i got changed just to satisfy myself through the day, I grabbed my blade from where i had hidden it in my medicine cabinet at the top and cut both my wrists two times on each one. 

You may think it hurts and i mean yes sometimes it stings but it relieves the stress that i go through because i cant talk to anyone about it, I cant tell anyone what happens to me at school. 

I washed all the blood from my wrists making sure it stopped completely before wrapping gauze around them, once i had finished with that i slipped on my disgusting big black nerd glasses and walked out of the bathroom and into my walk in closet. 

My mother is well off so we live in a big house but money doesn't bother me, money doesn't make you happy, yes you may be able to buy anything you want with it for temporary happiness, but at the end of the day it's not going to buy you feelings. 

I grabbed a pair of grey skinny jeans, a long sleeved black shirt, my purple supras and darker shade of purple leather jacket, I slipped them on and took two of my anti depressants, then grabbed my backpack from my floor putting some stuff that i need in there and went downstairs.  

My mum was in the kitchen making breakfast and i gagged at the sight and smell of it, It seriously makes me feel sick to my stomach but she doesn't need to know that so i cant say anything about it. 

Entering the kitchen I could only really hope that she isn't going to make me eat something. 

Walking up to my mum, I kissed her cheek lightly, "Morning m-mum." I whispered as she turned her head to look at me, "Good morning sweetheart, How did you sleep?" She asked glancing back at what she was cooking, "Uh fine i-i guess." I lied easily trying to hold my breath so i couldn't smell the food. 

I didn't sleep at all really, I never do because all i have is nightmares, I can never escape my nightmares whether i am asleep or awake. 

"That's good honey, I made you some pancakes." She smiled pointing at them as they rested on the plate, "U-Um, Oh look at the time m-mum, I'm going to be l-late, better g-get going, bye." I grabbed my car keys running out the door to my custom designed purple range rover that i got for my sixteenth birthday.

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