Demi's mother

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Demi's pov 

The harsh sounds of the wind slamming against the windows woke me out of my slumber as I fluttered my eyes open and rubbed them to clear out the remaining bits of sleep.

When I could see clearly I smiled at the sight of my best friend in front of me curled up cutely fast asleep as he had his  good arm wrapped around my waist, he looks like there is absolutely nothing wrong with him when he is asleep, but if you looked at him closely you could tell there was a lot wrong with him and that he was going through a lot in his life.

I turned my head and saw Jason sleeping behind me, I was laying in the middle of them on Justin's huge queen sized bed, he looked cute as well with his mouth wide open and his lips trembling as snores escaped.

I looked down to my waist again and saw that Jason had his arm wrapped around it as well, It was like they were both protecting me in their sleep or something.

Smiling at the both of them even though they couldn't see it, i could not help it because they both look so adorable.

I looked towards the window, seeing it was daylight so I carefully lifted both of their arms from around my waist and slid away from them towards the end of the bed and hopped off it.

Turning around to make sure that I hadn't woken them up, but my mouth dropped open and a whisper of an aww escaped my lips as I quickly pulled my phone out and pressed the record button on my video pointing it at them.  

I watched as both Justin and Jason moved closer to each other in their sleep like they were looking for something to cling onto, then their hands met and they intertwined their fingers together and I covered my mouth to stop me from squealing.

Then I watched as Justin moved his head forward and it landed right on Jason's shoulder, his other arm slipping around Jason's torso and his leg sliding in between Jason as Jason curled his body right into Justin's, letting out a sigh in content as they stopped moving.

I smiled at the sight of them, clicked stop and saved the video onto my phone slipping it into my pocket.

I looked at the two boys one more time then quietly made my way out of Justin's room and started to walk towards the stairs, I heard the clattering of dishes so I assumed that Pattie was in the kitchen so that is where I made my way towards.

Pattie is like a second mother to me, she is such a darling, so sweet and gentle.

I slowly made my way into the kitchen and saw Pattie standing at the sink washing dishes in her pj's.

I just borrowed a pair of Justin's basketball shorts and a v-neck last night, I didn't bother going home as I was too tired and crashed from my candy floss high. 

I walked up behind Pattie and kissed her cheek, "Good morning." I said cheerfully and she turned to look at me with a smile on her face.

"Morning sweetie, how did you sleep?" She asked while washing up another plate.

"I slept great, I mean how could you not when you have two very sexy boys sleeping on either side of you?" I spoke dramatically and she laughed whole heartedly.

"You all slept in the same bed?" She laughed, "I thought you were going in the guest room?" She asked and started to wash a bowl.

"Well I was going to, but I got changed in Justin's closet and then was too lazy to sleep in a different room so we all slept in Justin's bed." I shrugged and she giggled and shook her head.

"You are all really something special." She muttered and I flipped my hair over my shoulder, "I know." I spoke cockily and she smiled and then my eyes widened as I remembered the video.

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