Worthless, fat, ugly, pathetic

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Justin Bieber

I woke up expecting to still be on the sofa but I wasn't i was in my bed, I'm guessing my mum probably got Jason to carry me to my room.

I wonder why my mum wanted him to sleep over? It's not like I was still in the trance or whatever the hell that was yesterday and it's not like i need him to watch me to see whether or not i was going to do something stupid, I can take care of myself.

I sat up with a groan and winced as I felt a pain shoot through my arm, I looked down and noticed the bandage around my arm with blood seeping through, I completely forgot about that and i still don't understand how i did it, I don't believe that i fell over in the garden or whatever other excuse they come up with.

I slid out of my warm bed and stood up straight cracking my bones in the process because i felt all stiff, I feel like i have been laying down for years without any sort of movement.

I sighed and looked over at my clock to see what time it is 6.30am, I have to go back to school today, but I don't want to.

I walked over to the window and looked outside to see that it was raining, I like the rain it always describes my mood, dark and gloomy. I sighed and then walked over to my door and opened it heading towards the stairs to see if my mum was awake, I walked down the steps slowly and peeked my head into the living room she wasn't there so I figured she'd be in the kitchen, I walked over to the kitchen and froze in my spot.

Well I found someone there but it wasn't my mum it was Jason, I thought he would have left by now.

I was about to turn around and escape going unnoticed by him but of course that wasn't going to work out for me nothing ever works out for me, "Oh morning fag, where do you think you're going?" He questioned and even though I wasn't looking at him, I could tell that he had a smug smirk across his face.

I slowly turned on my heel to face him again, "I-I was j-just going to s-start getting r-ready for school." I muttered quietly not making eye contact with him. I heard the scrape of the kitchen stool he was sat on across the marble floor and his footsteps heavily walking towards me and then come to a stop in front of me.

All of a sudden I shrunk in size and felt the intimidation that I always felt from him.

"You were?" He questioned, "Y-Yes." I stuttered feeling my body start to shake with fear.

All of a sudden I felt an immense pain shoot through my arm causing me to let out a loud whimper, and I thought that the pain shooting up my arm earlier was bad.

Jason grabbed my arm where it was cut and squeezed it tight not letting go and I could feel the tears brimming my eyes, I wanted to cry out in pain but I couldn't, it would only make everything worse.

"You better stay the fuck away from me in school, don't think anything that I had done yesterday changes anything because it does not you worthless piece of shit, don't even look at me, all I done was for Pattie, got it?" He spoke in a deadly tone daring for me to disobey him.

I only whimpered in response because I was in too much pain to get any words out, "I said, got it?" He spat squeezing my arm harder and slapping me in the face with his free hand, I nodded frantically, "Y-Yes Jason." I choked out, "Good." He spat then dropped my arm and I could feel the blood dripping down my arm.

Jason was about to say something else when I heard my mum's voice, "Morning boys." She greeted smiling at us, "M-Morning mum." I whispered and kissed her left cheek, I cant show her that I'm in pain.

"Morning mum." Jason said kissing her right cheek, It actually hurts to hear him call her mum.

She giggled and smiled lightly, "How are you feeling Justin?" She asked looking at me with worried eyes, "G-Great." I spoke and tried to smile but failed epically, "Tell me the truth Justin." She grumbled sternly and I sighed in frustration.

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