No one can help me

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Justin Bieber

I shot up from bed with a start, breathing heavily and sweating a waterfall, I looked over at my alarm clock and it read 8.15am, wow I haven't slept that long in a while.

Although I did have one of those dreams again. I can never escape Jason he's always there whether I'm awake or asleep, I am trapped.

In the dreams he always ends up killing me and I know that's what I want but it happens in such violent ways.

Like, once I dreamt that he strangled me to death and then mutilated me, I mean come on I know he's evil and mean and the devils son himself but I doubt he'd do that, Would he?

I took deep breaths to calm down my frantic breathing because I sound like I've just ran 100 miles and I haven't because I wouldn't do that, I'm too lazy and fat to do that.

You got that right Justin, Will this voice ever leave me alone?

No faggot, It spat, I sighed and got up to take a shower because I'm smelly from all the sweating.

I hopped in the shower thinking about how Jazzy and Jaxon make me feel better, I woke up in the morning when they were here and they were both cuddled up to me, I think that's the first time I truly woke up happy and then I remembered that I had to go to school and my mood was ruined straight away.

My mum was off that day so she dropped them off home, I miss them, I miss my 'dad' sometimes too, but then I think about what he did to me and I figure that it was his choice and his loss not mine but it was my fault that he left.

After a little while longer I washed myself and my hair then got out the shower wrapping a towel around my hips and walking to the mirror. I avoided looking in it because I don't want to see myself, so I just looked down towards the sink brushing my teeth and washing my face with face scrub.

I walked into my bedroom sluggishly then sat at the end of my bed and creamed my arms, legs, stomach and everything else, so my skin didn't look so dry like it usually does.

I walked into my closet to see what I could wear today, I have so many clothes that it takes me ages to decide on what to wear. I decided on blue jeans a white t-shirt with a red, black and white flannel shirt over the top and a pair of red supras, I put my boxers and socks on first then put my clothes on.

I went back into the bathroom and put in a pair of silver diamond earrings, yes I have my ears pierced and no not only girls should, and combed through my hair to make it stay down when i did that i went back into my room to check the time. I looked over at the clock and it was 10am so i made my way downstairs and decided to eat something small because I felt a little dizzy.

I made half a chicken sandwich before eating half of it, feeling sick and full, so I chugged down a glass of water and went to the game room and played call of duty on XboxOne for a little while.

It was now 11.30am and I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, wait what i thought my mum was in work today?

"Morning honey." My mum greeted joyfully, "Morning m-mummy." I muttered while kissing her cheek and hugging her tightly, she put her chin on my chest looking intently up at me.

"How are you?" She whispered and I furrowed my eyebrows, "I'm fine, w-why wouldn't I b-be?" I asked curiously.

Why would she ask that randomly?

My mum took a deep breath still looking at me and it made me feel a little uncomfortable.

"You just don't seem like the happy Justin that I brought up, I don't see you smile and if you do its fake, you stay up in your room unless you have to go school or babysit Jazzy and Jaxon and your unhealthily skinny, you don't eat, your skin is pale and you have bags under your eyes, you always have some sort of bruise or cut, I am really worried about you Justin, you're my baby boy and it hurts to see you the way I do, It breaks me." She told me truthfully, as tears fell out her beautiful eyes and it made me feel really guilty.

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