The Prince

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It was a fine day in SlugTerra, the prince was just training with his fire powers with his friends and his dad, the great Will Shane.

"Steady Eli, keep calm and focus on the targets", said Will Shane.

"I'm trying dad", said the prince. He focus and fire appear on his hands and shoot toward the targets.

"Nice work, champ", said Will.

The prince of SlugTerra, the next Shane, the crown prince of SlugTerra, the best slugsliger, the slug whisperer and much more. His life was perfect, he has a grand palace to live in the Royal Cavern. He has wonderful parents and a great lilsister. He have everything what he wanted. But, this prince has a secret, he has powers beyond his knowledge, the fire touch.

"Your highness, your friends are here", said the palace steward as he bows to the prince and the king.

"I better go dad", said the prince.

"Go ahead champ, you had quite a day", said the king.

He prince went off to see his friends from the Ice Cavern, crown princess of Ice Cavern, Princess Hana Ariff, who is an Islamic, know as Sora. With her friends Dania and Bake.

"Hey guys", he greeted them.

"Hey E", all of them said.

"Ready to go to the Eastern Caverns to train with Master Lian and Junjie?", ask Dania.

"Yeah, Nia can't wait to see Junjie again with his friends", he said.

"What's wrong E? You look sad", ask Bake.

"Nothing Bake, it's just my life isn't complete".

"What your life is perfect, you have a grand palace, a perfect family and wonderful friends. What more do you want?", ask Sora.

"It's just nothing", he said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get our Slug Fu on or SlugLat", said Bake.

Then all of them hop on their mechas and rode of to the Eastern Cavern.

The next day, the prince is still depress. What could cheer him up? He tooka shower and head downstairs for his breakfast with his family.

"Morning mom, dad, Lan", he greated his family.

"Morning", his family greated back.

"So, Eli how was last night with your friends", ask his mom, Queen Ruby.

"It was okay mom, just usual with my team and my friends", he replied while taking a bite of his pancakes.

"What's wrong big bro?", ask his lil sister, Princess Lanette Shane, who is just 2 years younger than him.

"Nothing Lan, just thinking of what to do next", he said.

The king and queen exchange looks with their daughter, wondering what is wrong with the prince. Then the steward of the castle came and gave the king a document to sign. He read through the document and began to smile.

"Eli, I word from the new cavern and I was thinking of you checking it out and report back to me all about the cavern. The cavern is called Islam Cavern. Why don't you also go with your friends", said the king.

"Sure dad, I got nothing to do today", he as he push his food away and excuse himself from breakfast.

"What are you thinking, Will?" ask the queen.

"I was thinking of getting his adventure side on, he has been depress for like weeks now. I think him going to the cavern and explore it", said the king.

"Good idea dad, a little adventure is what Eli needed", said the princess.

Meanwhile, with the prince took his phone and called his friend Sora.

"Hello?", said the princess as she answer the call.

"Sora it's Eli", said the prince.

"Eli, what's up?".

"My dad is asking me to go check out on a cavern called, Islam Cavern".

"Lucky that cavern is a respectful cavern, even though it just started, the cavern is filled with high technology. With wonderful scenery and the people are very kind, who respect the slugs and the nature around them".

"They respect the slugs?", he ask as Burpy appear on his shoulder.

"Yeah, some said that the type of religion there are very respectful to nature. So, why you asking me all about this?".

"I want you guys to follow me".

"Cool, I see you at the castle, okay?".

"Cool, see you guys there then", he said as he end the call.

The Fire Prince and The Islamic VillagerWhere stories live. Discover now