A Royal Pain

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"No I wasn't", said Bake.

"Pfft, whatever", said Sora.

"Too bad that waitress didn't ask for you girls orders", said Eli.

"It's cool", said Nia.

Then they chat for a bit until the two waitress came to give the boys their orders.

"Here is your order sir. And for the last person to get or last blueberry cake, you get two free slices of our strawberry short cake", said Nurul.

"We were gonna order that", said Sora and Nia.

"Give it to them", said Eli. She did as what he said and give it to Sora and Nia.

"Eli, are you serious?", ask Sora.

"Of course you guys are my friends", said Eli as he smiles.

The waitress leave and since there was no more costumers, they sat a table near the counter. The boys saw them chatting happily with each other.

Then the cafe door open to reveal two guys. One has tanned skin, blue eyes and blond hair. The other one has black hair and brown eyes. Eli look at the blond hair guy and he recognize as Twist. He almost grab his blaster, when Twist said, "Nur, Yuki, hey".

"Hey guys", said the girls.

The boys went over to them and chat with them.

"Why is Twist chatting with them?", said Eli.

"I don't know, I heard them calling him Iqram", said Bake, eating his pie.

"Why Iqram? Nia".

"One it", said Nia as she began researching on Twist.

Then a girl came in with her friends. She has fair skin, blue eyes and fair skin. Her clothes are making her looking like a rich girl. She and her friends walk over to the two girls. When she passed by the royal's table the girl wink at Eli. Eli just shook his head.

"Hey slut", said the girl.

Nurul then got up and said, "What do you want Alissa".

"My dad is going to make me date the next caverns leader son. I heard he's handsome. You jealous?", said Alissa.

"No, I don't care who you are going to date Alissa. And the slut here is you, who want to brag what her little daddy can do to her daughter, who is a real slut", Nurul snap at her.

"Your just jealous that you don't have a boyfriend and have these two idiots as your friends".

Nurul grab her by the color and said, "Don't talk like that to my friends, or your gonna get it. And I don't care what will you do next, I say nobody, nobody mess with my friends", as she let go of her. "Now get out off my cafe", she continued.

"Next time Nurul or should I say Mia Star", said Alissa as she smirks.

"Hey, just leave her alone she has no business with you", said Yuki.

"Whatever Rebel", as she leaves.

The royals exchange looks, got up and walk over to the four.

"She got guts to say that to you Nur", said Twist.

"Yeah, I don't like my other name", said Nurul.

The royals stop in their tracks, stunned when they heard the waitress said her other name.

"She has another name? Does all Islamics have that?", ask Eli as he looks at Sora.

"Depends on what your hiding", said Sora.

Then Eli thought for a moment, he sigh and took out the Shane crest, which make the people know he is a Shane. Then he walks to the table.

"Hey there", he started.

All for of them were surprised, all of them got up and bowed to him except Twist. Twist still remembers his past with Eli.

"Your highness, when did you get here?", said Nurul.


This whole story, not chapter, the entire story is dedicated to my best friend/ sister hanary3202

Who has been there for me, like a real sister and I hope we can see other again in the future. Thanks sis, you have always been there for me when, I needed you.

Thanks sis

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