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  Once it was 5 o'clock I began to head over to David's apartment.
"David I'm here!" I said knocking on his door.
Seconds later the door flew open.
"Hey guys Hailey is here!" He announced.
I looked inside to see Alex and Dom fighting over something, Liza watching television, and Scotty on his phone.
"Guys!" David announced again. They all looked up at me.
"Hi!" I said, frightened.
"Hi I'm Liza" Liza said "those two idiot are Alex and Dom"
I smiled and went over to talk to Liza. She seems really nice in her videos, and she is in real life.
"Liza. I think you forgot someone" Scotty said
"Oh yeah!" Liza laughed " and that's David"
Scotty got up and started to head out the door.
"I'm kidding!" Liza said
I couldn't help but laugh a little. I had a feeling this would be a lot of fun. And As soon as I thought of that, David took out his vlogging camera. I was excited that I would actually be in the vlog.
"Dom what is that on your eye." David asked
"Alex punched me" he said
I smiled. It was weird, Dom didn't say anything funny but he made me smile. Huh.
"I'M SICK OF THIS CRAP DOM!" Alex raged.
Liza and I were laughing while Scotty went to get a white table.
"Scotty no!" David yelled
"GOD DAMNIT SCOTT" Alex yelled while he beat up the table.
"Dom run!" David joked.
Dom ran into into the bathroom while David handed me the camera.
"Alex! Calm down" David grabbed Alex's arm
"Shut up David!" Alex yelled.
The room became very silent.
"I have done nothing why don't I get a skit?" Scotty complained and joked at the same time.
I looked over to the bathroom waiting for Dom to walk out. When he did, something about his smile mad me feel weird, a way I never felt before. Maybe it was normal, I hope it was normal.
"Who wants to order some food?" David asked
A lot of "me!"'s went around the room, but I said nothing. I was confused about how Dom made me feel. Nobody has made me feel like that before.
"Hailey?" David asked
Suddenly I snapped back to reality.
"Yeah I could eat" I smiled
I began to think that this was just a dream. How was I, Hailey, becoming friends with youtubers?
"Hailey sit with me! It's a lot better than sitting with the boys" Liza shouted
So maybe it wasn't a dream.
Just a good life.
For now.

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