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I look out the window of David's Tesla.
"Is anyone going to tell me where we are?" I asked slowly
I looked over at Dom who was asleep next to me in the car.
"Sh...don't wake up Dom" Alex whispered
These past few days have been amazing and absolutely insane all at once.
Did my boyfriend try to kill himself? Am I living with you tubers?
I looked over at Dom who was still sleeping. I grabbed his hand and held it tight.
Suddenly David and Alex pulled over on the side of the road. We were in the middle of nowhere.
I jumped out of the car.
"Where are we?" I asked
"Follow us." David insisted.
I followed them for 5 minutes before I got impatient.
"guys just tell me-"
"We are here." Alex interrupted
I crossed my arms.
"Listen Hailey. We came here so nobody can hear." David sighed.
"When we first moved out here, Dom drank, smoked, did drugs, partied, and he couldn't control himself. He just wanted to stop and become Sober and Clean again." David froze "And..."
I jumped
"And what?"
David looked at Alex.
"He is sick. Some sort of illness from all these drugs." Alex finished
"But he will be okay right?" I asked worried.
David and Alex gave each other the saddest look.
"The doctors gave him 7 months." David sighed
"To stop smoking?" I hoped
"To live." Alex frowned
It was silent for a long time
"So that's it. Dom's going to die, and I was supposed to be okay with it?" I shouted
"No..." David freaked "we didn't know how to tell you"
I sat down in the sand.
"Can we go somewhere?" I asked "with Dom? So he can enjoy his short life?"
David and Alex nodded.
"Let's get back to the car." I insisted.
We all started heading back to the car. Sad music played in my head and my feet kicked every rock, every pebble I saw.
When we reached the car, my hand trembled trying to reach for the door. I was too traumatized to care.
I looked inside to see Dom still sleeping.
At least he was only sleeping.

Forever|-|Durte Domحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن