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I ran down the stairs to the elevator. My heart was pounding like a drum. I jabbed the button to get to the bottom floor.
"Hurry!" I yelled, even though I was alone.
I couldn't help but let the tears stream down my face. When I got to my car I started the engine and speeded out of the parking lot. My body was shaking and my palms were sweaty. My eyes stung from all the tears and crying.
When I got to the hospital I ran inside and up to the front desk, heart pounding.
"How can I help you" said the lady at the desk
"I'm here...for Dom" I said between breaths
Her eyes widened the second I said his name.
"Dom, I'm sorry he passed away a few minutes ago"
My heart stopped, a ringing through my ear. I became dizzy and fell down. Every breath I took made my vision blurry.
Tears rolled down my face as I lay on the floor. The lady at the desk ran over to help me back up.
"I'm so sorry miss, have a seat" she insisted
I couldn't move. I felt like someone had shot me in the stomach.
I wish someone would.
"Hailey?" Alex said running over to help me up.
"I'm too late" I said crying and trying to catch my breath all at once.
"Excuse me?" The lady asked "You are speaking about Dom Jackson correct?"
I stopped crying and stood up.
"N-No" Alex said
The lady gasped.
"Oh...The other Dom! I'm sorry miss" she froze "No, Dom is still alive. Well, your Dom is."
My heart began beating again. A chill went down my spine as Alex helped me up.
"Where is our Dom then?" I cried.
"Room 203" she smiled, showing her pearl white teeth.
I grabbed Alex's hand and ran to room 203. When I got there I saw David taking deep breaths.
"David?" I screamed "what happened"
"when we came back Dom was-" David paused "-was not...breathing, I guess"
I frowned.
"Has it really gotten worse?" I sighed
David began to talk, but a nurse had stopped by. She was short, she had brown hair and gorgeous eyes.
"Are you friends of Dom?" She asked
I nodded
"It seems Dom suffered from a-heart attack-luckily you called 911 just in time."
I smiled. Dom was going to be okay, for another 7 months.
"Unfortunately, it has limited his time left on earth. I am sorry, we can only see him living for another 3 months"
There it was again. I couldn't breath. David grabbed my shoulder, trying to say it would all be okay.
The nurse continued to talk but I couldn't hear. I ran to the elevator and pressed the top floor. David followed me.
Once I ran to the top floor, I climbed to the roof. I stood still and looked out at the city.
"Hailey stop!" David yelled trying to grasp my sweatshirt.
I ran closer to the edge, but I couldn't move my legs to jump.
"Hailey please, we can't lose you and Dom"
His voice was shaky.
"Don't jump. If you jump i jump. I'll do it I'll run right off this building along with you." He yelled.
"Don't." I cried "David I can't stand Dom dying!"
I heard David shivering, crying.
I backed away from the edge of the building. I ran to David, he wrapped his arms around my body.
"Don't jump please." David said.
I could feel his hands shaking as he removed his arms from my body.
"I'm sorry. I just can't handle all this." I cried
"None of us can."
David took me back down to the nurse and Alex. Alex sat down with his head in his palms.
"We are loosing our roommate David." Alex cried " 3 months? Not enough."
I looked at the floor. Now I only had 3 months to make Dom the happiest man alive.
Alive for now.

Forever|-|Durte DomWhere stories live. Discover now