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I held Dom's hand the entire way back. It was only 2 am, I didn't blame Dom for sleeping.
I wanted to cry, but I didn't want to seem weak.
"Hailey you should go home. You have had a rough night." Alex said looking at me from the front seat.
I didn't try to argue or fight back. I just nodded.
Once we got back to the apartment I looked at Dom and blinked. The beautiful boy I went on a date with would be lying in a casket in about 7 months. I tried not to think about it but it was all I could think about.
"Where am I?" Dom mumbled, weakly.
I blinked and began heading to the elevator.
"Bye Alex. Bye David." I froze "bye Dom"
I went upstairs to my room where I cried for hours.
I looked at the phone sitting near my door.
Being the stupid person I am, I called Dom.
"Dom?" I said waiting for an answer.
"Hailey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to see what you did." He cried
I looked at my balcony door.
"Want to come to my place?" I asked
"Hailey it's 3am"
"I don't care" I shouted " I want to be with you"
"5 minutes, give me 5 minutes to come"
I hung up the phone and made two cups of tea for me and Dom.

5 minutes later
Dom knocked on my door.
"Come in!" I cried.
Dom entered the room wearing his pajamas.
"Hailey" he said running over to hug me "I am so sorry about everything I did to you"
"Dom I love you." I said, for the first time.
After a 10 minute hug, Dom followed me to get a cup of tea.
"Hailey I really am so sorry"
"Dom, it's okay."
"No it's not, Hailey I need to tell you somethi-"
"Your sick and only have 7 months to live." I interrupted.
Dom frowned and scratched his arm.
"I'm sorry. I only tried to kill myself to get it over with" he cried
Dom and I both couldn't help but cry. Him in my arms made me feel safe.
"I'll love you forever" I said
"Forever is a long time" Dom sighed "Ill love you even longer than that"
"Say, why don't we finish that movie night. With a movie you want to see?" I asked
"I would love that"
We sat down on my couch and watched movies for hours. We both fell asleep before receiving a call at 8:00am
"Hailey, Dom is missing!" Alex yelled into the phone
"Alex, he is with me." I calmed him down
"I'm making him as happy as he can for his last months" I assured
"Okay. Call me if there is a problem" he said
I looked over at Dom.

I had 7 months to make him happy.

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