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"DOM STOP!" I said pounding on the door to the balcony.
He turned around and looked at me. After staring at me for a few seconds, he turned back around.
I tried opening the door but it was locked.
"DOM!" I practically screamed so everyone would hear.
"Hailey?" Alex asked running from his room. "Why are you here?"
"DOM STOP!" I yelled, ignoring Alex.
Suddenly Alex pushed me on to the ground and broke the door open with a chair.
I screamed bloody murder. I was in pain from all the glass slicing my skin. I still managed to get up to pull Dom off the balcony.
"Guys what happened?!" David yelled running out of his room with a baseball bat.
Neither Dom, Alex, or I spoke. Blood oozed from my wounds the door had made.
"Hailey your bleeding!" David announced
I ignored David and held on to Dom.
Alex kneeled down and tried to get Dom to stand up. But Dom was out like a light. Or more likely he was high.
"Hailey come with me" David hugged me, and walked me to the bathroom where he wrapped my arms and legs in bandages.
"What happened to you. And Alex. And Dom." David asked pushing my hair behind my head.
"David why can't you tell me" I froze "tell me what is wrong with Dom. Why he is sad. Why he tried to end his life"
David hugged me harder.
"He tried to kill himself?" David asked.
"Yeah David, he did"
I looked into David's eyes and saw he was crying...also.
"David, we need to tell her. Dom's asleep right now." Alex said barging into the bathroom.
"Hailey...we are going on a road trip." David announced.
"Trust us." Alex said
"Come" David cried "you will understand the truth."

Forever|-|Durte DomWhere stories live. Discover now