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3 months.
I had 3 months to make Dom happy.

Once Dom was released from the hospital, I took him to my place.
"So, want to go roller skating?" I asked impatiently
He stared at me blankly.
"Yeah" he smiled
I grabbed my wallet and his arm and took him to the car.
"After you, Durte." I said holding open his side of the door.
He gave my the most warming smile. Cheek bones raised and pearl white teeth showing.
"So, this is my bucket list I guess." He laughed
I gave him a crazy look.
"How are you possibly this happy?" I said, with my head tilted
"Not sure, I guess wanting to laugh is a side affect of dying." He giggled
I smiled knowing he was happy.

I started my car and we headed off to Roller skating.
"Heaven isn't that far away, you know." He laughed "too bad I'll go to hell"
I was upset about his joke. He wasn't going to hell, he was going to heaven.
"I'm sure you won't go to hell" I smiled
He combed his hair with his fingers.
"If I go to heaven, I'll watch over you. I promise." He said while reaching for his water bottle."

About 13 minutes later, we arrived at the roller skating rink.
"How well can you skate" Dom smirked
"Better than you" I teased
We walked over to get our skate and walked into the rink.
"Wanna Dance?" Dom asked grabbing my hands.
I smiled
The lights shut off and the disco came on. "Sign of the times" played throughout the rink while we danced slowly to the music.
I looked into Dom's eyes. He looked right back at me.
A whisper of "3 months" went through my head, which made me sick.
"Are you okay?" He asked
I nodded, but I was honestly shaking.
He pulled me off the rink and to the lockers.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"You seem really upset, what's wrong?" He frowned
"I'm just a little upset your leaving." I sighed
"Should we leave? If you are this upset-"
"No, I want you to be happy." I cried.
"I'm only happy if you are. come on we can leave."
He grabbed my hand and returned the shoes.
Once we got back to the car, Dom hugged me and I couldn't help but cry.
"I'm so sorry Dom. I am. I just want you to be happy" I cried "I don't want to cry I want to be happy with you"
I felt him kiss my neck which sent chills down my spine.
"I don't want to leave you either" he sighed "let's be happy together while we can"
"Okay. I love you" I smiled "You are so sweet"
In 3 months, I can't say "Dom is"
I'll have to say "Dom was"

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