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Sad: feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.

Sad is one word to describe how movie night with Dom went.
We watched romantic movies together, but something wasn't right.
Dom seemed so...sad...the entire time. When I asked him what was wrong he said he was fine.
He wasn't.

"So...what's the movie?" I asked happily.
"I've got The Notebook, The Fault in Our Stars" Dom smiled
"You like those movies?" I asked
"No, but I know you do. And I'll watch what ever you want" he said tapping my nose.
I giggled.
About 40 minutes into our movie, I could see Dom was sad.
"What's wrong Durte?" I asked
"I'm fine"
"Are you sure" I asked again
"IM TOTALLY FINE...OKAY?" He yelled at me
I was startled.
"Dom if something is wrong, you-"
"JUST LEAVE OKAY? GET OUT!" He yelled at me
My eyes filled with tears.
"Dom what is wron-"
I started to cry. I grabbed my phone and purse and ran out the door sobbing. While I ran I bumped into David.
"Hailey are you okay?" He asked
"No! I'm not! Either is Dom, David what is he hiding please tell me! I want to help" I cried
David wrapped his arms around me and let me cry.
"Hailey, go home and get some sleep." He insisted
"But David-"
I let go of David and ran home...which was next door.
I got no sleep that night. I just cried. I even called Dom four times but they all went to voicemail.
I had to do something. So that night I snuck into Dom's apartment.

Once I was in I checked his room. All I saw was Alex sleeping on the other bed. No sign of Dom.
Next I checked the balcony, where I saw Dom, Sitting in his wheelchair.
I didn't go outside, I didn't want to be a creep. I decided to Watch Dom, instead. He threw his head into his palms a few times. I felt like I needed to do something...but i didn't.

After 15 minutes of watching Dom having a breakdown...

...He climbed onto the railing of the balcony.

Forever|-|Durte DomWhere stories live. Discover now