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Later that day Dom took me back to his place. David and Alex were watching Television so Dom and I went out on to the balcony.
"Beautiful view" I said
He looked at me and smiled
"It is, it really is. But your more beautiful than this could ever be"
My eyes had tears in them. Dom was so sweet.
"I'm gonna miss it" He mumbled
He looked at me, worried.
"Nothing" he told me
I felt like he was lying, his mood dropped.
"So, how about we head inside?" He asked
I nodded, but I was still worried .
"Want anything to eat?" He asked me
"Sure" I fake smiled
I was worried about what Dom was saying. Miss it? Is he leaving, am I?
"I'll order us a pizza" he offered
Alex and David got up and walked over to us.
"What the hell do you want David" Dom complained
"Manners Dom" Alex teased
Dom stuck out his tongue at Alex which caused me to giggle.
"Do we get any food?" David asked
"Got money?" Dom mocked
Dom rolled his eyes but still ordered Alex and David a slice.

David went on his phone while we waited. All of a sudden David's smile was gone and he looked up at me.
"Dom come with me...we need to talk" David slowly said
"Why?" Dom asked
"Just come"
Dom and David walked to the balcony and began talking. I looked up at Alex.
"Is Dom keeping secrets from me" I asked Alex
He looked down
"He is...isn't he?" I sighed
"Sorry Hailey. I can't tell you" he replied
There was a period of silence in the room.
"I'm going to get going." I mumbled
"What about Dom?" Alex asked
I walked out the apartment with tears coming down my face, knowing something bad was happening.

Later that night I went on David's channel. Nothing seemed bad, no secrets.
Until I found Dom's Channel.
Then I knew the problem.


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